The Date

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Chapter 8

It was now Friday evening and I was preparing myself for the 'date' with Winston.

I donned a black leggings,a white Hollister blouse,a hoody with a converse.

I put on some face powder since I wasn't interested in the make-up thing and decided I was ready.

I informed mom and Ashton about my date.

Mom was happy and all but Ashton on the other hand didn't show any sign of excitement.

A few minutes later the door bell rang and Ashton beat me into answering it.

"Hi goodnight I'm Alexis here?" I heard my date's baritone sexy voice.

"Yeah and who are you supposed to be?" Ashton asked coldly
Is he serious I can only imagine the glares he must be giving Winston now he might be scared to death.

"Um..I'm her date..can you inform her that I've arr.."

"Hey Winston" I said cutting the convo between the two"Winston seem relieved while Ashton looked annoyed

"Hey gorgeous"Winston pulled me by the waist giving me a chaste kiss.
The butterflies crowded around my stomach.

"Hey keep those lips to yourself !!" Ashton shouted anger lacing in his voice.

I didn't even get to process the kiss.

Seriously what was up with this guy.
Is he considering taking the place of my father since he's not here.

"Ashton calm down it was just a peck"

"You wouldn't believe what a peck could turn into...promise me you'll be safe"

"I promise" I reassured him

"K..carry back my little sis in one piece or else you'll be in pieces... If you haven't noticed yet..I don't have a good feeling towards you" he stated firmly motioning to Winston.

Well that was..cold

Winston stood there speechless as he stared at Ashton with an unbelievable expression and I realized I had to save him..somehow.

"Ashton be don't know anything about him." I defended "now let's go" I dragged Winston to his car before Ashton could respond.

"Um..uh sorry about that..I don't know what got into him today" I apologized as Winston started the car

"Its OK..its called being overprotective.. I guess"

I faced the window letting the cool breeze fan my face as we settled into silence.

I slowly drifted to sleep in just a matter of seconds.

We reached our destination which seemed like a forest?

What if Ave was right?
Who am I kidding there's got to be some logical explanation for this.

"Uh Winston.. Where are we exactly?" I questioned a little  scared

"Don't worry I'm not going to do anything bad or of that sort"

"So were walking down the pathway of a forest for no reason?"

"Hey be patient once we reach you'll be surprised"


Lord please let me live through this night I silently prayed.

We walked for about 5 more minutes each my worries got worse until I finally see the most amazing area on planet earth.

Sure it was hidden behind a bunch of trees but that was just the outward appearance..inside was much better.

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