Chapter 1: Birthday

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*Hey guys. So this is a new story. Here is some info about the characters

Morgan Garner

Evangeline Garner

Katlyn Garner

Age: 20

Birthday: April 14th, 1992




Tyson Garner


Birthday: December 4th, 1988

Izzak Garner and Megan Garner

Age: 15

Birthday: August 7, 2001

Dez Garner

Age: 39

Birthday:July 19th, 1976

The pick above is the fam

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The pick above is the fam. Hope you guys enjoy*

Morgan P.O.V.

I sit in my room next to my sister, Evangeline. We are watching prop hunt with out two favorite youtubers. Markipier and Jacksepticeye. We laugh at all the sick jokes. Our sister, Katlyn, was listening to 21 pilots. She has a huge crush on Josh Dun, the drummer of 21 pilots, since She started listening to them. We are going to California State soon and are moving to California soon.

All of a sudden Kat screams. "OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!! 21 PILOTS ARE GOING TO CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!" Evangeline and I jump as She screams. "Calm down Kat. I think we're deaf now," says Evangeline. "When we move to California, can We go see them???!!!" Kat asks. We sigh and say yes.

All of a sudden, Dad, Izzak, Megan, and Tyson come in screaming "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!" Did I mention it was 9:14 in the morning. Ya it is also April 14th. We all laugh. I'm going to miss this when we move to Cali. We are going to miss this, my family. Even though we are all adopted, exept for the fact that Evangeline, Kat, and I are all related by blood, not adoption, just like how Izzak and Megan are blood related, I am still sad that our family of 10 years is going to be apart. Sure, Tyson doesn't live with us but he goes to collage near where our house. We are going away for a long time. Hopefully we can Skype.

"Do you guys know where you are going to live," asks Tyson, breaking my train of thought. "Yeah but those two can't know," Kat says. All of a sudden, both Evangeline and my phones go off. We look and scream. "OMFG!!! JACKSEPTICEYE AND MARKIPLIER ARE MOVING IN WITH EACH OTHER IN L.A." We laugh our heads off. We All speak at the same time, it's our "magic trick" as Dad calls it. Evangeline and I go off into our Youtuber world.

-time skip-

The tree of us go to the mall to hang out. We went to Hot Topic, Spencers, and more stores. We hung out for a couple more hours. At about 9 at night, we go back home to finish up packing. Tomorrow, we are leaving for California. Wish us luck.

*Hey guys. This will be a collab with JordanLove876 and Disenchanted39. Go read their stories. See you guys later.

^-^ Amatrix ^-^

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