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Transmission 113245.3.5-2... "Hello. This is a transmission to all known servants of the imperium of man. We've encountered something myriad and unrecorded by the Imperium. It all started fine until they came. He.. He told us we were doing something good..... But then the Warmaster came. At all costs stay away from this quadrant. There is something lurking here in space.... Something unholy that defies everything we stand for... I doubt even the... the legions could withstand them. They took over the rest of the crew and faint glimpses of pink are splattered in the air as if we're in another dime... Wait. The air vents ... A slight rattle ... They're coming up the vents! The vents! They're here oh god. For the glory of the Emperor....!"
End of transmission- file deleted-telecommunications wavering...

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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