Chapter 2

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Min-droid's pov

I am patrolling the city with a couple other nindroids. They don't trust me to patrol alone. No one does. One day I will patrol on my own. I just have to sneak away from them and go somewhere else and patrol all alone there. They underestimate me just because of my height. I will prove them wrong. I may be a little more than half their height, but I am twice as good as them. I will prove it to them. Then they will always let me patrol alone and not baby me. That would be great. They always baby me and it is so annoying! The nindroids won't let me be around the two prisoners either. Even General Cryptor won't let me! I'm also not allowed to be one of the nindroids to go out of the city and do stuff out there! The only thing I can do is patrol in the city while staying near nindroids. I don't even know why. Is it because I am short and they think I mess up all the time? They won't even let me try something different! They just assume I am awful at everything!...I look at the nindroids. They're not paying any attention to me...I quietly walk away from them. I walk through the city. It is really an amazing city, but now everyone who lives here are prisoners now. So I guess it's not that amazing. I hear something. I go toward where I heard the sounds. It sounds like people talking. I peek past a wall and I see a few people. They seem innocent. I don't see them with any weapons...wait one of them has a weapon. I walk over to them.

"Hey!" I said. They look at me scared at first, but then I think they see how short I am because they start laughing.

"What do you want?" one of them asked.

"You know the rules," I replied.

"Do I?" he said. The others are still laughing at me a little.

"No weapons," I said.

"What are you going to do about it, Shorty?" another one said. I see now that they all have weapons now. There are only five of them, I can do what I need to.

"Give me your weapons," I said.

"Why should we?" another one of them asked.

"I am telling you nicely, give me your weapons," I said.

"Aww, he's so cute, telling us to give us out weapons, nicely. Not a very good nindroid if you ask me," one of them said. They leave me no choice. I point my laser gun at them.

"I was being nice, but you obviously don't care if I'm nice or not. I like to try to be the one who kills for no reason, but now you leave me no choice. Now give me your weapons right now!" I yelled. They don't seem scared at all.

"And what is that, a toy gun?" one of them said.

"Why don't you tell me!" I yelled. I shoot the one who asked if my laser gun is a toy gun. They fall to the ground. He got hit in the heart. Direct hit, we were taught to aim there. Now they all seem scared. They grab their weapons.

"If you want our weapons, you will have to kill us!" one of them yelled.

"Do you really think I won't kill you?! I already killed one of you! And I was going to have to kill you even if you gave me your weapons willingly!" I yelled. I will not be babied again! I refuse to be! I shoot all of them. They all fall to the ground. All direct hits. They are all dead. I confiscate all their weapons. I do not need to be babied. At least now I have proof that I don't need to be babied. Now I just have to show the nindroids the proof...once I find them... It can't be that hard...right? Well I do know where they are, I just have to figure out where I am to find them. I don't recognize anything here though! Don't panic. I'm not lost. Only nindroids who need to babied get lost. And I definitely don't have to be babied. I just killed five people, no baby could do that. Well standing here is not going to help. I think I know where I came from so I'll just go that way. That's a good idea, right? Right. I walk the way think I came. I am going the right way, I recognize where I am so I just have to go to the part of the where the group of nindroids I was with are patrolling. After a couple of minutes I see a nindroid. I know he was part of my group because any other group would be a couple of miles from here.

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