Random Topic Generator

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To all my fellow readers, I have decided to introduce this page or even this book for that matter for knowing my readers better.

The author should also listen to the readers since the readers take time to read the former's works. So I have decided I would fill these pages with writes which are chosen by you guys. By that I mean: I want to hear your views on what topic would you like me to write a short poetry on. You can even give me the form. whether it's acrostic or senryu or haiku, and I will try to meet your demands. ^^

Of course it's a given, I will be dedicating the work to the one who suggested the idea to begin with since he/she was my inspiration. Also if there are topics that end up overlapping, I will ensure all those who suggested the topic are mentioned in some form or the other. : )

So feel free to post your views here. ^^

Special Note: I am yet to acquire a cloning machine, so no clones of me can be reproduced. So expect the process of updates slow but steady.


Short Shots !! READERS' CHOICEWhere stories live. Discover now