Prologue: In the mean time

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While in Hargeon our allies where fighting against the forces of Zeref, in the guild...

Lucy's P.O.V

I was going to meet Brandish. Surprisingly for me, I was a bit excited to talk to her. She did had doughts about me though, like didn't trust me, but I couldn't blame her for being so. But still I thought and believed, that she's friendlier than she looks.

"I'm starting to be Natsu's look-a-like! Next thing I do, I'll start picking fights with Levy or Juvia and destroy everything around me," - I thought giggling. Natsu himself didn't trusted Brandish too much and he said that he can not waste his time on her, while there is war, but maybe after.

"Can't blame him for that."

When I came to guild's prison, Brandish was sitting and staring on the wall bored. Brandish's reaction to me was like "Not her again!" or "Doesn't she have a war to win?"

I mumbled angrily to myself, calmed down and asked sweetly like nothing happend.

"What do you know about August?"

Brandish P.O.V

"Why do you wanna talk about that old gizzer?" - I asked nervous, but cool.

"Well... I thought you might know about him something, that might help us to defeat him. 'Cause you MUST know at least his magic, - Layla's child said shyly, yet demanding.

"Do I look like a traitor to you? Anyway, August doesn't show his trumps to anyone and that why he's feared by many. No one know what he will do." - I said carelessly.

All I said was truth. August is too smart to show his powers to anyone, because he feared someone might learn one of his spells. But still I knew what might beat him, but Fairy Tail didn't had that.

"If he hides his magic from you, his ally, then I'll be taking my leads," - Layla's child said disappointed and scared by the looks of things.


"Huh?!" - blonde asked.

"There is one thing, that might beat him, but that something out of Fairy Tail's league no matter what, - I said determined and careless at the same time, 'cause I did had a grudge against him.

That happened while I was still a student in Alvarez. August was my History of Magic teacher. He taught us theory of all magic. Many said that he is a living legend, who knew the original magic as it is. However, August was one cruel teacher. If we were wrong, he would make your own books to dance on your head and sing bad songs about you. Mine told about my little crush on a classmate of mine, my attempts on learning magic and my parents deaths. So I hated him since I was a child.

"You do?! Thank you" - Layla's child exclaimed happily.

"As I said, you might not like my answer, because it is something Fairy Tail does not possess. Those are curses. August can not use them to his advantage, neigher use anything against them." - I said wickedly, trying to imagine his defeat. Layla's child was shocked, but she seemed to believe me.

"Thanks again. I really appreciate your share. I'll be going know," - she said happy and with that she ran away like Sonic the Hedgehog, who kid Brandish admired the most. I smiled softly and got back to my thoughts.

This is a prologue, because it is not related to the main story, but I thought that it needed to be written. And I know it's abnormally big for a prologue, but it IS my FIRST story, so don't be that strict to me.

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