Part Two: Chapter 1

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The shadow stretches forth a cruel hand.
The sun veils his face.
The land shutters in fear and woe.
The chosen slain in grace.
All peoples deprived of joy,
Goderauk the malign seeks the end of things,
And finds his end at the hands of but one boy.
Thus ends the evil ones reign.

Paul looked curiously at his new surroundings. The former world he knew had passed away. What was now before him was awe inspiring.

He was there next to Starden, and a young man only a few paces ahead of him. The young man was comparable to Joshua, yet nearing adulthood. Paul stepped forward toward the person finding that the ground undulated beneath his feat.

The three were standing on the surface of a river. Silver, purple, and pink fish drew near them, forming a semicircle at the Young mans feet. Some of the fish leaped out of the water landing on his feet as to embrace them, then return to the multitudinous schools beneath.

"Father." The young man said turning toward Paul. "I have brought you here with justification, but I did so by unjust means. I cannot go with you. I don't think I can ever again walk through the gardens in this place."

"Joshua, what happened? Where are we?" Paul asked.

Starden approached the two. "That flash. Are we dead?"

Joshua looked at him with a sad countenance. "It seems terrible to say. I had to kill you in order to save you. A terrible demon was approaching. It would have killed you both."

Starden looked on confused. "So you killed us so we wouldn't get killed. I'm having trouble understanding just what you were thinking."

"The Demon would have devoured your souls. I've sensed for some time that it was near to Arnostok, the clan elder. I was told that the two of you were a threat to their practices, so it was expected of me to kill the both of you."

"Why do you speak like your not involved? Aren't you one of them?" Paul inquired.

"They have no reason of yet to expect otherwise. Go on ahead." Joshua pointed over through sparkling trees that appeared to be more like a geode. "The answers are ahead, along with the role the two of you will play."

"Why can't you come along with us?" Starden asked.

Joshua frowned. "Understand, it was known that I would bring you here. To do so you had to die. I killed you to bring you here, and spent a portion of what power had been lent to me. Because I killed, I cannot proceed any further; neither can I ever return again."

Light enveloped Joshua's hand. His robes turned white. The light sparkling on the water at their feet leaped up and bonded with his skin. He waved his hand and a blurred circle formed in the air in front of him.

"This is the second saddest day of my life, but their is still joy in it. Everything is as it needs to be. I sacrificed my right to enter this place, even to speak to the spirits here. I will never hear their voices again, or receive their guidance. Much of my power I also gave. All of this I did on your behalf. You'll understand soon.

Joshua's form faded into a blurred swirl of glowing specks, like brightly shinning sand caught on the wind. His visage dissolved, being pulled into the blurred circle. The circle shrank until it closed with the sound of three loud thunders.

Paul and Starden sat for a moment pondering their environs. The fish that were leaping at their feet had now withdrew, going about their secret and mystical life in this strange place. Without moving the two, the waters streamed swiftly, forming a path to the bank in front of them.

The two followed the flow. As they stepped onto land, the tree trunks gave them a birth. Flowers bloomed with each step, turning to crystal as the two continued past them. Every plant seemed to bow, simulating a kind of gentleness and respect for the two strangers.


Hours past. The two had made their way for miles in the beautiful and curious wood. They hadn't become the least bit tired during the whole of their traveling in this place. They didn't sweat, or become the faintest bit hungry.

The foliage at the bowls of the trees lifted from their way, revealing a glade. As the two exited the wood into the clearing their eyes were suddenly widened. Though they couldn't rationalize their thoughts and their feelings; the two fell flat and stiff as the dead at the feet of a being of humanoid shape.

The being blazed like a fire of fluctuating color. Its limbs were elongated. Small appendages like tiny hands grew as numerous as branches of a tree on the whole of its body save for its lower legs.

It looked down at the two inquisitively. Without a moments delay it bowed the knee, gently bringing one hand to its bosom. It seemed to emit an aura of affection and humor.

It spoke as though into the deepest regions of their mind. The unspoken language came with its own emotion, and was shaped into words in their thought, full of images.

"Come now." It said. "I will teach you what terror awaits. I will show you your doom, though that time is not yet upon you. Be of good cheer. No harm can ever befall you here."

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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