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It was Monday after the flag ceremony
someone was looking at me like he's very angry at me and I taught It was just a joke turns out he wasn't joking he said "why did you pass the test" I was very confused then I said "why do you care"then he said"I was going to be the first in class" then I said "oh so your'e jealous" then he started punching me but he couldn't hit me because he was too slow. When the teacher arrived she was blaming me so I tried to explain but she said 4 hours detention for you both. When we arrived at the principal's office then something went sh sh sh sh sh we were both scared then it went ah ah ah ah ah then my class mate said "we better get out of here" then we shouted "HELP" 6× the principal came in and we explained rapidly but she couldn't understand she said"I'm not falling for your tricks"after one hour we couldn't resist the voice so we pretended we had magic.

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