Chapter 1

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"You totally like him, April!" My best friend Carmen keeps yelling at my face.
"No, I think of him as a friend." I try to say as calmly as possible even though I hear the lie coming straight through my teeth. Obviously she sees this and she takes it as an opportunity.

That's my morning almost every day, I wake up, she comes over, she teases me, we got school, and so on. It's been two months since my joining of "The Unseen." It's taken 2 month's to get my life back. It's going to take even longer. Carmen and I because friends during the accident that had take place after I joined my new society. Here is my story.

I looks even darker outside than ever, if that's possible. It feels like it's 30 degrees outside. I shiver while trying to warm myself up by zipping up my jacket. It wasn't a good idea to walk by myself this late.

I scan my surroundings. Open 7-11, Closed ABC Store, Pedestrians, and my next door lady walking her dog. I face forward again speeding up my walking. I'm hoping my parents are asleep, I told them I was going to a party and that I'd be back around 11. I pull my phone out of my pocket. After typing in my passcode a 5% Warning came up. I pressed okay and looked at them time. It read 1:35.

Dammit. I'm late again. My parents, Thomas Aloulette Rodriquez and Callie Ross Rodriquez are very known. My father is the mayor of our city. My mother serves as the town's advice woman. My brother, Duztin Cruz Walker, basically replicates high school cliches. Football player, Hot, Popular, and even has blond hair with blue eyes. I was just the odd ball out. I had long blond hair, short figure, smart, socially awkward. I wasn't exactly the coolest person at school, but I did have friends. I've changed schools plenty of times to see different things, maybe that's why I'm this way.

I stop walking when I see my big house in front of me. I look at all the windows to find them dark from the shadows. Nothing but luck. I walk up the stairs to my front door and I scramble in my bag for my keys. I 0ut them in the door and twist. When I open the door I'm greeted with a strong metallic smell. My nose twiches before I let out a loud sneeze. I curse myself for being so loud when I hear foot steps.

I throw my keys on the counter before quietly creeping up the stairs. When I reach the top I tip toe past my parent's bedroom after peeking in my brother, Duztin's, room. A smile crepts on myself until I see the dark red haired person next to him. I already knew who it was, Tatiana. She's been bullying me since 5th grade. With her medium lengh red hair, dark grey eyes, and her cat like manner, you would probably think she was manipulative anyway. She gets most of her friends like every other high school movie.

Lying and Passion was her way of making friends and getting to the top. And she thinks I'm sleezy. I felt angry that my brother would get the school's easiest thot and bring her here knowing she hates me. I shut the door silently before stomping to my room and slamming the door. I throw myself on my bed and I begin to silently welcome tears.

I relive every single moment she bullied me. The time she cut half my hair with sissors, the time she banged my head against the table, the time she stole all my pads out my locker when I started my period, even the time I saw her murder 17 year old Richard Harrison. I never once told on her. I never once betrayed her, but oh how many times she betrayed me. To only get rich foster parents and a scare-free life.

My breath hitches when I hear noise coming from my clost just behind me. I quickly sit up while sloppily wiping my face with my hands to get a better view. The closet remains still, closed, and quiet when I slide to the edge of my bed to get a better view. After a few beats I hear nothing but the silence of our emtionless house. I go to lay back down when I here it again.





The noises are so little, yet so frighting without knowing wether something is in there or not. I slide further off my bed and I put my ear on the door.

I hear nothing but the quietness of the entire house. I quietly open the double doors to my closet before being pushed in and knocked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2016 ⏰

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