Chapter 2: A Whole New World

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"So you mean... I'm magic?!"

Dumbledore nodded with an amused smile on his lips, "Yes. That is the gist of it." he replied happily as he led the way through an empty field.

Hagrid was walking behind, peering around the hilltops as if he would be able to spot something of vital importance in the darkness...

"Why are we in the middle of a field?" I wandered aloud.

"Curious, aren't we?" Dumbledore winked, "We are, my dear, looking for a portkey."

My brows furrowed, "A Portkey? What's one of those??" I asked in a confused tone.

"Ere it is Proffesor!" Hagrid suddenly shouted, making me jump again.

It wasn't that I was afraid of the giant, because he seemed like a friendly enough person... But his size made me extremely nervous. He could easily crush me if he really wanted to.

"That..." Dumbledore murmured, pointing at an old boot that stood in the centre of the field, "That is a portkey."

I shook my head, "No... That's an old, tattered-looking boot."

Hagrid burst out with laughter, "She's jus' as clueless as Potter was, she is!" he boomed, wiping tears from his eyes.

Professor Dumbledore rolled his blue eyes before walking over to the portkey and placing his right hand on it, Hagrid following as soon as he regained his composure... Guessing that I was supposed to do the same, I placed my hand on the boot.

"So what now?" I giggled, "Nothing's ha--"

But before I could utter that last word, the world around us began spinning and contorting until I fell hard on my back; gasping for breath as stars danced before my vision...

Hagrid's massive head blocked out the light of the moon as he peered over me, "Are yeh alrigh' Lily?" he enquired, sounding genuinely worried.

"She'll be fine Hagrid... Just winded her--"

Dumbledore was cut off quickly by me rolling over and emptying my last, small meal onto the grass beside me...

"S-sorry..." I apologised shakily, recalling how my patents would beat me badly when I was sick.

Both men shook their heads awkwardly, "It's no bother Lily... It happens to the most experienced Portkey users on occasion." Dumbledore told me reassuringly.

Nodding once, I stood and regained my balance before smiling up at them both, "So, where are we?" was my next question.

Hagrid gently placed one of his massive hands on my back and turned me around whilst pointing at a castle a little way ahead...

"That there is Hogwarts school o' witchcraft an' wizardry... An' everyone who atten's is jus like ye." he informed me softly, sounding as awe-struck as I felt.

I had a feeling I would really love Hogwarts, and all the people in it...

Minutes later, we entered the magnificent castle through two gigantic wooden doors that seemed to open unaided... A grand staircase in the centre of the room, where pictures hung on the walls.

But the pictures were moving.

"The p-pictures..." was all I could manage, letting my mouth hang open.

"They move." Dumbledore stated as if it was the most normal thing in the world, "I am aware."

I was led upwards... Jumping multiple times when i got too close to pictures and the staircases began moving as well.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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