Seungri + Jiyeon {3} --- Noodle Shop III

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 Dapper. Seungri straightened his tie for the umpteenth time. They were supposed to go to some place or the other (Jiyeon would be picking him up) but Seungri was fairly confident he could convince her to go to Nik, an up-scale restaurant. Jiyong had given him a coupon for a dinner for two a few months ago and it was just about to expire. His outfit was not too formal in case she refused and the bow tie would only stay depending on how nervous he felt.  He came out of their bathroom from it’s third door to find Jiyong folding his arms and glaring as strongly as he could. He was wearing his usual baggy T-shirt (black with some letters on the front. They were disjointed but, knowing Jiyong, they have some vague meaning) and indigo skinny jeans.  He wore his hair in a topknot. One thing about his friend was his hatred of trends. If corn rows were in, he would have his hair in dread-locks before the day was done.  “What?” Seungri asked. He was starting to feel anxious and that gaze was not helping.  “When were you going to tell me?”  “What?” Seungri repeated stupidly.  “You are going on a date with a girl! I mean, really?” There it was, the awful feeling Seungri felt in his stomach whenever they went there.  “Well, yeah, I was going to tell you but you see...” Jiyong unfolded his arms and leaned forward which made him even more frightened despite how he looked in his clothes.  “Hyung, I was so caught up in everything I forgot to tell you. I’m being honest,” Seungri added quickly. Jiyong smiled suddenly, took a few steps back and bowed. It was a sign that he took it as a challenge and when Jiyong thinks competitively, he becomes a pseudo-monster, not quite completely evil but he still was ridiculously devastating. The fear Seungri felt was creeping back into him and just at the worst time, someone knocked on the door.  “I’ll answer it,” Jiyong hissed. Seungri ran in front of him and held out his hands to block the narrow hallway.  “Look, hyung, I know you are angry but please don’t ruin it for me,”  “What makes you think that I will?” Jiyong asked nonchalantly checking his nails.  “I’ve known long enough to know what you’ll do next. Please, I’ll get on my knees if you want me to,”  “If you know me so well then you’d know that won’t affect me,” Jiyong said. “Let me at least see her and maybe speak to her,” This was like being stuck between an ocean and a wall of lava. On one hand, his new relationship could be destroyed before Seungri has a chance to even proclaim publicly and on the other, his friend might be dazzled by Jiyeon and he would give them his blessings.  “I can’t let you do that,” Seungri said  a second before shoving Jiyong as hard as he can and sprinting in the opposite direction. His leg caught onto something tendril-like and he was down on the ground clutching his mid-section a moment later ,pushing a heaving object away as far as he could. The pain was nearly blinding but he still felt his leg being tagged and pulled until he touched the wall in front of Jiyong’s room. The back of his jacket was then grabbed and he was rolled in.  “You are so predictable,” Jiyong said panting,” and so damn heavy, damn it,”  A few seconds later, the door was shut. Psychopath! Seungri was breathing heavily, cupping his manhood and praying it was not damaged. He did not how long he was on the floor, moving ever so often to somehow alleviate the pain. For most of that time nothing else mattered. He is dead. God help him because I will kill him and I won’t even feel sorry.  When all he could feel were throbs, Seungri stood up and walked very slowly with his thighs tightly pressed together towards the bathroom. With the kind of urgency he associated usually with a full bladder, he stripped out of his clothes, not caring where they landed. The water was set to cold and he sat under the stream in such away that the water would get as far as his upper leg. That was the advantage of going numb because a few minutes later Seungri could barely feel anything. He did register the small amount of blood when he urinated before dressing again.   Walking was a challenge but if he tried, he could pass it off strutting which in retrospect could give Jiyeon a bad impression of him. Ah Jiyong. A deep breath in and he opened the door. The first thing he noticed were laughter and more specifically, Jiyong’s. It was hoarse and sounded harsh. Then Jiyeon joined in and she, too, sounded out of breath. Terrified, Seungri moved quickly and stopped shy of being seen. Jiyeon was sitting on the couch, leaning her face on the old cloth they always keep there to making the old piece of furniture look less ugly. He could help but notice how long, pale and smooth her legs looked in her flowery dress that had ended mid-thigh. There a pink ribbon in her hair and she seemed to not be wearing any make up at all. She was staring amused at Jiyong who was dressed differently  from the last time he assaulted Seungri. His hair was styled differently (Seungri could not describe but it looked like one of those boy band trends) and he was wearing a form fitting T-shirt and black jeans.   “And so when we were thirteen, I got Seungri to wear his mum’s wedding gown for Halloween,”  “Wait, we don’t have that here,” Jiyeon said. Jiyong raised his eyebrow and they both began guffawing and even gave each other a high five. Seungri’s cheeks burned red and matched angrily towards them.  “Hey, Seungri, you’re friend here is-”  “I’m sure you can tell me later,” Seungri said taking a hold of Jiyeon’s hand, a little too tightly,” we are late,”  Jiyeon pulled away and turned back to Jiyong.  “Nice to meet and I hope I’ll see you later, Jiyong,”  “Don’t go yet. I have so much to tell you. We were at puberty and we still have high school to cover,” Jiyong said laying on his elbow with an air of ease.  Seungri narrowed his eyes slowly seeing where things were going. “We don’t have time,” He glanced at Jiyeon who had a shrewd expression on her face.  “Are you two fighting?” she asked biting her lower lip. I swear, Jiyong, open your mouth and this will be the last time ever. His only friend gave him a look of utter heartbreak for a split second, long enough for only Seungri to recognise it and just like that Seungri was unable to do anything.  “We dated from the time we were fourteen until his nineteenth birthday,” Jiyong revealed. Out of his peripheral view, Seungri watched as Jiyeon raised a hand to her mouth. Jiyong was not smiling, he was not even looking at them and Seungri hated him for it. How could he act so coolly after doing something like that?  “I guessed that much,” The shock on Seungri face could not be matched by Jiyong’s.  “What?” Jiyeon’s lip twitched. “I’ll be honest with you since you’ve been honest with me. I have liked girls for a long while...and I had a girlfriend. You saw her-she had the mole on her nose- and we are friends now, I guess,”  “But-”  “I am what my therapist calls bisexual,” she continued more loudly, “even though my dating experience is just with a girl,” she took Seungri’s hand into hers,” and I do like Seungri, a lot.”  “It does not bother you at all?” Jiyong asked in disbelief. “We live together, Jiyeon,” She gave Seungri’s hand a little squeeze before facing Jiyong, drawing herself taller.  “And I am still friends with my ex,” she retorted. “And the reason why I do it isn’t because I still have feelings. I don’t know what is going on between the two of you but for now, especially tonight, I be forced to treated you, Jiyong, as nothing more than a jealous prick.”  Damn. No body ever stands up to Jiyong, ever. He does not look happy about it and there was the smile again. It was different this time, much more friendly looking. Seungri watched with a bated breath as Jiyong inclined his head towards her.  “Very well, enjoy your evening together,” he sneered getting up.  “We will and we’ll send you pictures,” Jiyeon fired back. “Pictures filled with happy and obnoxious moments.”  “I’ll look forward to that,” Jiyong snarled.   “Good because I’ll take good care to make them all clear,” Jiyeon spat. She swivelled around abruptly pulling a bewildered Seungri behind her. She was very swift and they were out of the apartment, sound of the door slamming still ringing in his ear as he became aware of where they were standing . Her chest was rising and falling rapidly, the only indication of what she was feeling. She let his hand go and, before he could despair at that, she linked their arms instead.  “Let’s go,” They were out on the street soon breathing in the cool evening air and adjusting their vision to the semi-darkness. The calmness around them contrasted the storm that was brewing his apartment but that would be a problem for another day. Seungri was debating on whether or not he should bring up the Nik restaurant. He had seen the place and it felt perfect for a first date that so far was not. Gathering his courage and confidence, Seungri decided to at least see if she would agree.  “Hey, there is this place-and I know you had plans and everything- but it’s expensive and classy and I thought you’d like it... if we went there before midnight,”  “It might cost a lot,”  “Oh, I have a coupon,” Seungri pulled it out of his jacket and held it up almost triumphantly. It was yellowing in it’s edges already.  “Jiyong gave it to you, didn’t he?” Jiyeon asked. He was about to inquire how she knew before she rolled her eye in an are you kidding me sort of way.  “Birthday present,” Seungri explained hurriedly. Jiyeon took it and gazed at the piece of paper for a while contemplating.  “It would be fitting if we did go there but I don’t want that in a way. It won’t feel comfortable,” Somehow he understood. He may have overdone it when he snatched the coupon and tore it but she lit up and it was forgotten.  “Funny thing is I still don’t know your name,”  “Lee Seung Hyun at your service,” Giggling, Jiyeon led him to a dark Benz parked a few metres away. A man dressed casually in all black opened the door for them. Seungri felt it would be better to leave all the questions about her background for when they were alone. As they drove away with Jiyeon’s head resting on his shoulder, Seungri could help back imagine Jiyong’s face when Jiyeon pulled him away.       AUTHOR’S NOTE This series is basically done. Tell me what you think! There are barely any comments about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2013 ⏰

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