One Direction- a story

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I was sitting in my room reading some nuts and then my mum came in, like rlly angry

Mum: pak ur shit

Me: lol y

Mum: can't pay bills lol

Me: y not lol

Mum: u spent moni on 1d posters u lil shit

Me: no fair

Mum: get out of my house lol swag

Me: yolo

I was rlly anry I didn't evn pac my 1d tampons, dat was a big misstate.

I ran down staires cring and I bumbed into sumthing on the way down I cried and he cried and we fell and I landed on him guess who it was it was Harry Styles I sreamed

Harry: lol we herd ur mum tel u to leave lol come with us swag

Me: lol k

Suddenly mum saw Harry and cried so hard she died

Me: oh

Harry: no matter I will adopt u lol

Me: no I want sex

Harry: k lol swag

Me: yolo

I walkd down to their bus and WOW

Paperazi eveywere

I cryed

Harry pushed me in the bus

Liam: hi

Me: hi my mum died

Liam: oh no r u ok

Me: yeah

Harry: what's u name

My name?

I cryed

I dint kno

They teld me it was ok and sed I can b cald amazon cuz I am amazon

Sudnly Harry screamd an I look dun and blud eveywer

I crie agan and teld thm I dint pic up my tampons an they sed ok hav these n guess what they wer 1d ons wit the Sam smel their bodis r and they got 1 ut an thy al signed it WOW

after I did th thing they sed sit dun so I did

Harry: u hav guitar

Me: ye

Liam: can u pley?

Me: ye

Harry: wow so talent

I blushe

Zyan: u myst b in concrt now

Me: rlly WOW


I ded it an i wes gd an thy luv me

Me n Harry got marrid

Th end

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2013 ⏰

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