Midnight Park

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The wind like an old soul
Rustles through the weeds
I find myself in solitude
Where I am at peace
The stars don't shine
I'm too far in
Though the river is close by
Stones clatter from the determined flow
The scent of dampened earth,
Was musky like mildew
As it ambled in the air
The memories fade of younger days
But the laughter stays
Just as Luna does
She smiles from above,
Like she always has
Metal groans as I sit down
I prop up my feet and begin to sway
A burst of wind drags me forward
Like a friend pushing me along
It was a free feeling
Held by chains
That all too soon
Had to end
In the stale dusty air I sit
Watching as the park
My temporary fortress
Hid away for another day

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