T h i r t e e n

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- bora Dohk -

"Oh! That reminds me! I have to go and see the girls! Do you want to come with me Jae yeol?" I asked

He shook his head no

"Aw no? But it's boot camp! This is new for people like you and me!"

He thought about it for a bit and finally decided to come with me

"Hey do you think Jin sung likes mi Jin? Heheh actually they both liked each other.."

"And they're just too oblivious" I laughed

"so adorable.."

I looked down at my arm and I think Jae yeol was trying to held it

"Jae yeol if you want to hold hands just say so.." I spoke as I slipped my hands into his

"There! Now it's just like at that time from the ball.."

Jae yeol seems tense

I wonder what's wrong

We finally got into Mi Jins room and found the others

"Heh! You're slow bora Dohk!" Ha neul spoke

"Jae yeol! Sit here!!" Hyung seok grinned

I sat next to Mi Jin


"So that's how you play the game.. Okay?" Kim yui asked

"Okay you first bora Dohk!" Ha neul spoke

"Okay!" I exclaimed

"Is there any boy you find dear to you?" Mi Jin asked giggling

Ah they planned this

"Oh let's see.." I looked over at the boys

"Jae yeol.."

"I KNEW IT!" Jin sung exclaimed

"Let me finish.." I rolled my eyes

"Jae yeol, Hyung seok, eun tae, and even you Jin sung! Should I mention all of them..?" I asked

"Oh and Iseul oppa!"

They all stood silent, "so you're telling me you have a crush on your oppa?" Jin asked

"Oh! You should've said crush then.. Well.. No.. I told you I haven't moved on from my last one.." I smiled

"Huh? What's his name?" Jin asked

"Heheh! That's a secret!" I laughed

"Bora Dohk here.." Ha neul spoke giving me a cup

"Oh thanks I am getting kinda thirsty-" and when I took a gulp everything went black

Meanwhile when bora Dohk passed out ~

"Heheh she can't drink.." Jin sung laughed along with ha neul and Kim yui

"You guys! Just let her be.. She's sleepy I can tell" mi Jin spoke

Jae yeol was trying hard to shook her awake but it's no use


"You guys.." Mi Jin spoke looking at all the drunk people in front of her

"Jae yeol you didn't drink..?" She asked as Jae yeol hold up six fingers

"Whoa that's a lot! You don't get drunk do you?" She laughed

"OHOHO~ bow down to me you peasants!" Bora laughed waving a magazine at her face

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