Part 1 : Indifference

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For a woman, her relationship with her child is much more stronger and deeper than with her spouse, which might be because the child is born from her and holds a place in her heart that no one else can occupy.


It is 10 in night and Kabir has just returned from hospital after a tiring day. He locks his car and moves towards the building he owns an apartment in. With his office bag in one hand and blazer in another, he boards the elevator and presses the 8th floor button as his apartment is on 8th floor of the multi storey building.

The elevator reaches 8th floor and the door opens. Kabir walks out and fishes out the house keys from his trouser pocket. He inserts the key in the keyhole and enters his apartment.

The lights of house are off, unsurprising Kabir. He doesn't bother either to switch on the lights and makes his way to his bedroom. He's completely exhausted, both mentally and physically. And all he needs now is a good, sound sleep.

But it won't be possible for him, not after seeing his wife sleeping with a photograph held close to her heart. Why can't she just move on? He wonders.

Sighing, he keeps his office bag and blazer on the couch and leaves for the bathroom to freshen up. He comes out after few minutes, a little disturb.

He goes and sits beside his sleeping wife, who hasn't woken up even with all the noises his baby son Ayaan was making, now up from his nap. But when has she actually paid attention to him and her surroundings before?

Carefully, he takes out the photograph from his wife's hand and caresses it with his thumb. It is a picture of his wife, Anaisha, him and their newborn son Arman. He is their firstborn, fifteen minutes older to Ayaan. But, fate didn't let him stay with them for long.

"Dada," little Ayaan calls Kabir, tapping his shoulder.

Kabir keeps the photo frame back in Anaisha's hands and moves to his side of bed. He picks Ayaan up and walks to the kitchen. Turning the lights on, he walks inside and sees the untouched plate of food, which he guesses is of Anaisha's. She didn't have her dinner today. But then again, when she doesn't do this?

"Bhabhi skipped her dinner again, Bhai."

Kabir hears his younger sister Samyra say this. He turns and finds her standing at the kitchen door, rubbing her eyes. Ayaan immediately squeals on seeing his aunt, after all she's the one who's been taking care of him despite his mother being alive.

"BooMa!" Ayaan stretches his arms for Samyra to take him. Samyra fulfills his wish and take him in her arms.

"You want to have your dinner, Bhai?" Samyra quietly asks Kabir. From her brother's face, she knows well he wouldn't have his dinner today, as well. It isn't anything new for her, she's used to it now.

"No," Kabir answers, walking out of the kitchen. He goes and quietly stands in his balcony, gazing at the dark sky. Samyra follows behind after switching of the lights. She waits silently for her brother to speak something, but when he doesn't, she quietly starts to move towards her room with Ayaan still in arms.

"Let Ayaan stay with me tonight, since you have exam tomorrow and I don't think he's in mood to sleep," Kabir says, his voice weary.

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