Round one

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It's been almost an hour since I left...but I can't give up.

As I climb the buildings I get on the roof I hear voices at the bottom around the corner.

I climb down and turn the corner and see 3 guys dressed in black and yellow with masks on..and surrounding a crate with drawn on claw marks of yellow paint.

"Hey did you guys hear something?"

"It's just your imagination."

"Hey over there!"

Oh crap these guys don't look friendly.

"Get him..he is one of breckens guys!"


"Get him now."

I start to get my bag ready as one comes at me with his crowbar.

He swigs at me and I moved as fast as I could to not get hit tripping over some rubble, he than tried to strike me as I hit his chest with my bat, he falls back as the other two just stood and watched.

"Oh you brat!"

"This is a bat not brat."

He starts to rush at me and swings his crowbar as I blocked it with my bat and punched his mask which hurt my hand...a lot, he moved a little and I started to get mad so instead of waiting for him to attack I started to swing first.

Striking his leg than his arm, I was to fast for him he fell to the floor as I kept striking his mask with my bat....killing him.

"Well boy you seems to know how the world works."

"I..I killed him."

"Get him."

"Already on it."

Before I knew it i was pushed in the floor with a guy trying to kill me with a hatchet.

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