Birth of a Vampyre ~5~

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Sorry that this one isn't as long as the others. I have to write after work and since I didn't get home until after

8:00pm I can't stay up really late. Gotta be at work by 8am tomorrow. As always please vote and comment. I really do value what

you have to say.


I can't help but be happy as I drive to work and yet my happiness is tainted by the fact that I can never see Viktor again. Wait...what

in the hell am I thinking? I could only never see Viktor again if I were to turn Eric and well that really doesn't seem like a possibility.

He's a hunter after all and well then his conditions wouldn't matter it's not like he could go to them as a vamp and say "Hey this is where Viktor

is." I shouldn't even be thinking about this. It's bad enough that I have a vamp and a human staying with me both wanting more than friendship I really

don't need to throw Viktor into the whole love thing now as well. I've survived this long without him in my life and then I never thought that

I would see him again. Why does it bother me so much now? If I hadn't seen him last night none of this would have happened. Then again he might

be dead if that drunk hadn't had the same name. God I need to get my head on straight before I go into the gallery. Hmmm maybe I'll hit up a

Starbucks and grab some coffee before I head in. I may not need the caffeine, but there is something about a triple venti soy mocha that just always

makes life seem right.

I pull into the parking lot of the Starbucks and get out. Only 6am and I'm already getting stares from guys and a couple of glares from the few women

that are with some of the guys. I smirk to myself well at least I can go out and feed tonight without worry. I'll just remember not to ask my

victoms name. There's a girl sitting at the table in the corner who looks so sad. I wonder what's wrong with her. I know I shouldn't use my powers for

something this petty, but the look of loss in her eyes is unbearable. I focus my thoughts on her and wait for her mind to meld with mine.

"Why? Why did Eric decide to stay at that woman's house? Why can't he love me like I love him? It's all because of the stories of that Vampyre Lilith.

He's been obsessed with her ever since he heard the story of how she spared the innocent when she slaughtered the sanctuary. How can he love someone

like that? I don't care that she spared the innocent she still killed hundreds in one night without a single thought of remorse. She's still a vampyre

and deserves to die." Oh crap why did it have to be Carrie? Of course that's what I get for being nosey. "Please God make him love me. I'ld be right

for him. I want to raise hunter children with him. We need to destroy them all and then I'll be the one to kill that BITCH Lilith." Well damn it's not

like I've ever actually done anything to her. It's not my fault that he fell in love with me. Hmm maybe I should talk to her and see what she's like. I get my

coffee and head over to her table.

"Excuse me." I have to remember to be polite she doesn't know that I know what she's thinking.

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