Ch.7 ~ Bachelor Button

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Bachelor Button- Delicacy 

There are other meanings for this flower, but they didn't quite suit the chapter.


Yoongi's POV 

It had been five days. Five days since Yoongi had left Jimin's house and yet he could not stop thinking about the boy. The boy with orange hair and a smile so bright it was easily comparable to the sun.

Now, five days later, Yoongi finds himself walking down a corridor with a pile of books in his arms while keeping his head down. His wounds healed days ago and he was not ready for new ones. Not today. Because today was-

The back of his shirt collar was pulled harshly and Yoongi felt his back meet the solid surface of multiple lockers. He clung onto his books tightly, keeping them close to his body at the thought of making a quick getaway. 

Closing his eyes briefly, he took a deep breath before meeting eyes with those that were merely inches away from his own. 

"You're looking better" Jackson trailed his eyes down Yoongi's body, the action making bile rise in Yoongi's throat, "though makes sense, we didn't get to finish last time, did we?"

"Go away" Yoongi's voice came out low, confidence strengthening his tone. He wouldn't let this happen to him today. Not when-

Not when he needed to go and see her.

"Ok, ok" Jackson backed off a few steps, a small smile twisting his lips and he motioned for Yoongi to walk away.

Yoongi sighed and took a step away. He should have seen it coming. Stupid, so so stupid. 

This time, his books dropped to the floor and papers flew into the air as Jackson grabbed Yoongi and threw him into the lockers much harder than before. 

"Just kidding" His eyes seemed to get darker as he adopted a smirk.

"Please-" Yoongi was cut off with a hand covering his mouth and the feeling of another sliding down his chest to his abdomen and then lower. 

Tears gathered in his eyes as he struggled against Jackson's grip and the power the boy had over the sickening heat growing in the pit of his stomach. It felt wrong, so very wrong, but his body seemed to disagree. 

Jackson let out a throaty laugh but stopped his hand instead of moving down further.

"Just like old times, hey?" 

Jackson's words broke through Yoongi's drunken-like haze and he bit down on Jackson's hand. A strong metallic taste grew in his mouth, but he didn't care as he ran forward. He didn't get far before a hand grabbed his shoulder.

Please, not again. 

"What's going on?" A deep voice questioned.

Yoongi looked up to see the warm eyes of Kim Taehyung that were looking straight at him. He felt himself regain a sense of calm as the boy looked behind Yoongi and his gaze went cold. Surprisingly, Jackson let go of Yoongi and he heard his footsteps retreating. 

There were a few seconds of silence before Taehyung broke it.

"Are you ok? Oh my god, that was tense. Did he hurt you? Ah, I was really worried, Jimin would have killed me" Taehyung's words were fast as he looked right at Yoongi, hands squeezing his cheeks. 

"J-Jimin?" Yoongi was sure Taehyung just said something about the orange-haired boy.

Taehyung looked down at Yoongi and gave him a smile, his eyes twinkling in amusement, "Mhm, Chimchim keeps talking about the flower boy. Your names Yoongi, right? We have classes together so I knew who you were. But nevermind that, you're ok, aren't you?" 

Yoongi took a few seconds to take in the chaotic mess that Taehyung had just said and nodded at the last question. 

Taehyung smiled a smile that looked like a box before looking at his watch, eye growing wide, "Gotta go! I'll see you around, yeah?" 

Once again all Yoongi could do was nod before the boy started skipping away, humming a tune Yoongi couldn't recognise. 

"T-Thank you!" Yoongi shouted before the boy turned the corner, he thought he had been too late and Taehyung  hadn't heard him, but was proved wrong when a head popped back around the corner, sporting a large smile,

"No problem!"


Thank you for reading this! :)

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