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“I will now call this meeting to order!”

The tightly woven carpet that covered the floor of the Headmaster’s office did nothing to dull the sound of Professor Dumbledore’s voice as it rang out above the din of the room’s many occupants.

Those who were standing crowded among Dumbledore’s many possessions immediately ceased their chatter. Every face turned to look at the Headmaster without question.

“Thank you. I wish to welcome each of you to this meeting of the Order of the Phoenix. I believe that a number of you have some news to impart. Arabella, perhaps we should start with you and the muggle perspective? Then, we may be able to link your findings to the other information we come across.”

Despite Dumbledore’s kind smile and gentle encouragement for her to speak, Arabella Figg seemed to lose her voice for a minute as the others in the group turned their attention towards her.

Clearing her throat, she began to address them.

“Umm, err... yes. The muggles seemed to have noticed some strange events lately. The weatherman on their news programmes seems to be at a loss in describing the fog that seems to have lingered for the past few weeks, especially now that it is summer. I daresay the dementors are breeding again, and this is what they are seeing.”

Dumbledore nodded at her contribution.

“Thank you, I believe that your assumption is correct, Arabella. I have also received word that Voldemort is attempting to cajole the dementors from Azkaban into his every growing army. It does not need to be said how disastrous the consequences would be should this occur.”

A general murmur of assent went around the room following a collective shudder at Dumbledore’s audacity involving his use of You-Know-Who’s name.

“Does any person have anything to add to this?” Dumbledore pressed on, ignoring the reactions of the others. “Emmeline, perhaps you have seen or heard something in your line of work with the Minister?”

Emmeline Vance, a timid-looking witch who was by no means to be crossed, stepped forward. It took only the low tone of her voice to calm the room once more.

“I cannot say that I have had any reports of dementors breeding, however, I can assure you that the Ministry is, for the moment, safe from too much infiltration. There are a few stragglers here and there which we are keeping a close eye on; however, we have worked tirelessly to ensure that it is kept as untouched as possible.”

Emmeline was not the kind of witch who exaggerated or embellished her words; therefore Dumbledore trusted that for the minute, the Minister of Magic, Millicent Bagnold was not working against the efforts of the Order.

After thanking Emmeline for her speech, Dumbledore addressed the group once more.

“I trust that you have all been working away at recruiting new members. I understand that it is a task which is easier said than done, especially in the present climate, however, it is nonetheless a necessary task...”

Dumbledore continued to address the members about less vital matters, and in no time at all the clock had struck eight in the evening. Fawkes hooted in time with the clock, alerting Dumbledore to the fact that it would be best to adjourn the meeting so that the members would be able to get home safely.

Standing at the door, he individually bade his guests a good evening.

Finally, the only person left loitering was Hagrid. He had agreed to guide all the others to the gates of the grounds so that each member would be able to apparate home without too much difficulty. However, just before he shook the Headmaster’s hand, he pulled Dumbledore aside whispering urgently.

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