Houses Are Only Words: A Harry Potter Fanfic

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I was reading my favorite book in the library, Quiddich through the ages, when a Slytherin boy sat down in front of me.
He had twinning blue eyes and was wearing a green and silver scarf. His hair was black and parted in the middle going right over his skinny glasses.
I looked up ready for him to make fun of me reading

 and telling me that Slytherins are better than Ravenclaws but he didn't

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and telling me that Slytherins are better than Ravenclaws but he didn't. He didn't say anything. Instead I said "Can I help you?!?"
He kept looking at me then leaned his head to look at my book. I could see the red reflection of it in his eyes. He looked back at me and said quietly but quickly, "I really like that book." Then he swiftly looked back down.

I smiled and looked at him. "Me too it's one of my favorites."

"Hi, I'm Sabrina. What's your name?" When I said this he looked back up at me, obviously trying to avoid eye contact. "I'm Mathew." He said still whispering.

"I like your necklace" His gentle voice said.

I laughed to myself. "Thank you" I said still smiling. "I got it in Hogsmeade."

"Do you hate Slytherins?" He asked frowning.

"No of course not" I said trying to make him feel better. In complete honesty I tend to dislike most Slytherins.

He smiled and dimples appeared on the sides of his face.

"I'm glad. There are a lot of mean people in my house and they usually keep me from being friends with people outside my house."

After that we talked until we had to go back to our commons. The longer we talked the more comfortable he seemed to be talking to me. His short black hair was comforting and every so often I would catch him blushing at me.

I knew it was just one day but it was amazing.

The next day word had gotten out about me hanging out with Matthew and all the girls in my house began to gossip. When I went to my first period, divination, I noticed Matthew was in my class. I looked over at him but then saw on his forehead the word "Loverboy" written on his head in ink.

I ripped out a piece of paper in my notebook, checked to see if our Professor was looking, then wrote on it "who did this to you?", I threw it and it landed right on his desk.

He picked it up and unfolded its tight creases. He grabbed his quill and wrote something on the same paper I gave him. He threw it back when the professor turned her back to us.

It read, "I don't know. Meet at library after classes?" I turned to him and nodded. Divination class ended and potions began. I was longing all day for the final class to be over.

Then finally I got to my last period, Herbology, and noticed he was in that class too. Not only that but he was right across from me. He seemed to have gotten most of the writing off of his forehead though there was still a huge smudge of black on his head. I felt so awful for him.

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