》c h a p t e r : t w o

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L O V E I N T H E E Y E O F S U N S E T | C H A P T E R T W O

Skye wished for the days to pass like a blur but, she knew wishing for it was like wishing for something nonviable. She had even folded thousand paper cranes to keep herself occupied and resist the temptation of wallowing in her own misery after all the ancient myth did say that a wish would be granted to the person folding thousand paper cranes.

She missed Asher in every moment when her mind was idle. Missing him had become a hobby for her. A hobby which was far more than addicting. Somewhere, in the back of her mind she wished that all of this was a dream and her Asher would be with her, teasing her about how innocent she was. Playing with the buttons of Asher's shirt which she had been wearing since the day he left, she could feel tears stinging in her eyes but, when she looked up a gasp escapes her lips. There was Asher standing with a wide grin painted on his lips. Standing on her feet, with excitement she approached him leaving no distance between them. But, the moment she touched him, he disappeared into thin air making her fingers graze through air. Disheartened, she realized that he was just a figment of her imagination.

The pictures of her and Asher on the wall seemed like they were mocking her misery. She suddenly remembered the mixtape Asher had given her held their favourite melodies and had always made her feel at home.

There was just something about music and it's melody that gave her solace in the darkest times when hope seemed illusive.

The sound of a knock reverberates in the gloomy atmosphere Skye had created but, she seemed too lost in her world to even bother about it. Incessant knocks on the door managed to snap her out of her reverie and she raced down the stairs hoping all the while that it was Asher on the door. But, nothing could have prepared her for who was on the door.

Fondling with the locks on the door she opened it breathless and looked at the stranger perplexed. He had an aura which just oozed "Danger" to her but, no matter how much she wanted to deny the man looked like a Greek God who had ascended to Earth. With a sharp jawline dabbed with light stubble, smoky grey pupils which seemed like they were penetrating through her soul and messy inked black hair he seemed like the man of every woman's dream but, unfortunate for him Skye had already found the man of her dreams.

"Um, can I help you?" she asked wearily.

"May I come in?" he asked. She looked at him as if he was crazy.

"I'm sorry, but I am fine with what religion I am. No disrespect or anything," she told him with a kind smile on her face. She had loads of these religious people knocking on her door, and always used the same line she had just used.

"I'm Nathaniel, Nathaniel Blackwood," he said, holding out his hand for her to shake. She took his hand in hers, shaking it cautiously. She studied him. To her, he definitely did not look like one of those religious door-to-door people that usually popped by. They were usually elderly people, but Nathaniel? He really was a Greek God. She was curious as to why he was here. She wondered if he was a friend of hers that she had forgotten, but after searching through her mind she knew she would've definitely remembered a Greek God like himself. "You've never met me before, if you're wondering," he says as if he had read her mind.

"Oh? What is it that you want, Mr Blackwood?" Instead of answering her question, he chuckled lightly at her.

"Sweetheart, call me Nathan. Or Nathaniel, I don't mind." Before she knew it, he had invited himself in and walked towards the living room. He sat himself on the couch, making himself at home.

"What are you doing, Nathan?" she asked after shutting the door and joining him in the living room.

"Sit with me, sweetheart," he said, completely ignoring her question. She nervously walked towards the couch, sitting herself down in the opposite end of it. She stared at Nathan who stared back at her with a half smirk on his face. "Asher," he simply said. Her heart sped up upon the mention of her boyfriend's name.

"What about him? Are you two friends?" She figured that he must know Asher because they must be friends, or something like that. However, she didn't want to make any hasty conclusions. That was thrown out the window when she bombarded Nathaniel with the questions that suddenly clouded her mind. "Has he spoken to you? Do you know where he is? Is he okay? Well and all? Does he know how much I miss him? Does he miss me as much as I miss him?" She left no room for Nathaniel to answer the questions. Her voice had quietened near the end as she got sadder. "Is he even coming back?"

"Darling, I do not know how to answer those I'm afraid. However, I do know of his whereabouts," he speaks, his voice getting deeper. Her eyes had lit up at the thought of seeing Asher. Finally, I can finally see him after six months! she thought to herself with glee. "You'll have to come with me, though."

One of the first things you were ever taught was to never trust a stranger. Skye knew that, but the thought of seeing Asher had clouded her judgement. She wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in Asher's arms, and if this was the way then she would surely take it. She think about it, though, trying to think rationally. "Can't you tell me?" she wondered, not fully trusting this Greek God of a man.

He smirked at her, "How could I possibly leave such a vulnerable girl on her own searching for her boyfriend? Sweetheart, you need me. Just come with me and I'll take you to Asher."

"How can I trust you?" she asks in a whisper, still nervous about it all.

"You want to see him, don't you?" She nodded her head in response. "And you have no clue where he is, but I do. You need me, darling. Just say yes and I'll take you to him." She was hesitant. She knew she shouldn't, but to see Asher? She would do anything to be with him.

"Fine, I'll go. But you promise you'll take me to Asher?"

"Of course, darling. You'll have to pack a bag or two." Her face broke out into a huge grin, jumping up from the couch. "I'd do anything for you," he whispered as she ran up the stairs. "Anything."


Phew! I really hope you guys liked this chapter. Annndd, I love nutella. Things are going to get intense after this chapter. *smirks evily* Wait, I'm not evil. I'm a sweet little girl who loves everyone. Uh, don't forget to vote and comment. Go check out Tia's stories though. They are amazayn. See you soon. Love, Belle💋

Over to Tia now. P.S: She thinks, she wins every time. Such false claims she makes. *shakes head in disapproval*

Excuse me? I totally do win all the time, psh. Anyway! Hi guys, firstly go check out Belle's work as well, especially The Alpha King Mate. It's my fave, seriously. Alsoooo like Belle said, don't forget to vote and comment ;) WE LOVE YOU ALL and woah isn't this exciting? Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Love youu 😇

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2016 ⏰

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