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Its been 3 weeks since Nell has had her last Dr. visit. Only this time she wanted me to go with her instead of Criss which was probably a good idea, beens he was throwing his greek temper around, because the wouldn't let him do his demonstration without a safety harness, and it was really pissing him off....and I definitely didn't want to be in his way...when he explodes!!...but I just quickly went to him, and gave him a little peck on the cheek, and high-tailed it out the door...Nell was laughing at the whole thing....I laughed with after I said there is nothing funny about his damn Greek Stubborn Ass Temper!!

I drove her to her doctors visit, and she had another physical, and a sonogram, and I got to see my niece/nephew for the first time...Dr. Pat said everything's A-OK..then as we walked out of the office, I asked her if she told Spence yet....she shook her head no...I told her she should probably be doing that very soon.....she told me she was working up to it...and that she'd tell him after the friend get together, we were having at Serenity tonight...

I went shopping for the party tonight, and dropped Nell off at her house, then I peeked in his home office, to see if he cooled off any...he looked up at me, with an evil look, so I did a little duck-dodge-hide game...but a few hours later he found me in the room finishing up the laundry...he grabbed me, and tossed me on the bed...I kept quiet, when he was like that, which wasn't very often....and he literally ripped my clothes off, and wanted angry sex...he was a little to scary to say no too, plus I didn't want him any madder then he was already...

After stripping me he tore his clothes off, and didn't even warn me first, he just stuck it to me hard, and a little violently...but I new better than to scream...so I sucked it up, and took my medicine. I was his official pressure release valve...when he finished, he kissed me hard but sexily, and said thanks babe I feel better know....so when does everyone show up for the party...I looked at him and just threw my pillow at him...then stuck my tongue out at him....and told him he was a shit head!! He left giggling all the way down the stairs...

Later all our friends showed up, and drank and ate, and had a helluva good time....I watched Criss eyeballing me from across the swimming pool, I was laying in a lounge chair, he kept calling me over, but I wasn't going to walk around the pool just for him to kiss me and say that's all he wanted...I knew that's what it was...cuz the little shit does it to me all the time....so he jumped in the water and on the shallow end, and told me to hold very still....so I did...and he levitated me all the way across the pool, and into his arms then kissed me...and said honey next time I call you, heel dammit...he said laughing....then just to steam me up he playfully dropped me in the water...I jumped up and cussed his ass out.!!! Everyone was laughing like a pack of hyenas...I got out of the pool, and stormed in the house...Criss looked at everyone, and said he thinks he pissed her off, a little much...then he ran in the house behind me... he quickly cuddled to me and apologized, to me and kissed me...then he turned to me, and told me go give him his medicine....he deserved to be slapped...I went over to him, and he closed his eyes a slapped him with a big wet kiss, and told him to get his silly ass back out with our guests...

I went over to Nell, and asked her if she was going to tell her hubby or not? She said she was gonna, but after hearing him say how happy n proud he was for gonna be a daddy, that she couldn't tell him, that the baby is Sully's not his...well Nell you do know that if you don't....Criss will, he told you he would...she said she knew...but she was very afraid to tell him...then she said maybe Criss could be there just in case it goes wrong...I told her of course he would...the night went by fast, and soon everyone left Serenity, and went home to sleep it off...only Nell stayed up all night worrying about the big day tomorrow....telling Spencer that the child wasn't his..

Criss was at their house at 9 o'clock that morning after working out...Nell was bringing Spence some coffee, and they both were sitting on the porch....Criss walked up to the porch and told Nell might was well just tell him...and just leave out the suspense...Nell cleared her throat..and was as white as a sheet...and told Spence that she had bad news about the baby....he jumped up and said are you in pain....she said no...she fearfully looked to Criss, and he went right beside her...
Spencer the baby inside me isn't, yours....its Sully's....he turned red from extreme anger and deep jealousy, he started yelling at Nell and calling her all kinds of fucking trash....and it was uncalled for...and Criss was starting to get really pissed off...Nell was weak, and in tears, and Criss wrapped his arm around her...Spencer had such a spiteful jealousy, that his adrenaline took over and rushed Criss, and they both went off the porch...Criss was up instantly, and warned him to back the fuck off of him!! But he didn't listen, and attacked again, only this time Criss was ready for him, and lifted him off the ground and hurled his ass into their trash dumpster then shut he lid on him...and told him to fucking cool off, Spencer tried to get out, but the dumpster lid was too heavy for him...then he told Criss he was ok now...so Criss let him out....but then Spence hit him over the head with a tire iron...Criss had blood coming out of his head, but grabbed Spencer by the throat, and lifted him off the ground, and then beat the fuck out of him...til he saw Nell crying not to kill him...so he dropped him and slowly walked to the porch...with blood running down his face...Nell noticed and quickly called Klay first, then called me.

When I got there Klay was finishing up the final stitchings on his head...I ran to him, and he gave me a wry smile and said he was alot better off then Spencer, he said as pointing to him...I smiled at him, and told him he was a real tuff badass! He grinned his devilish smirk and said thats right!! I am Criss Fucking Angel!! So don't fuck with me!! Unless you want what he gave Spence...especially after making Nell feel that way...but after the drama, and Spencer came around, he deeply apologized to everyone, and pulled his wife to him, and said he loved her so much that he doesn't, care that its not his.....He'd still love it like it was his...

So I took my Greek Houdini home, and got the ice pack for his head, and gave him me for his body....then he looked up at me and said sometimes I really love being bad! I told him not to get used to it, and kissed him, and made him take a little catnap with me....

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