Friend Or Foe?

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I stared into Dan's chocolate brown eyes, they were beautiful.

I wiped the remaining tears away, and hugged my knees. "I won't hurt you, I promise." Dan held out his hand for me to take.

Should I take it, or would I end up getting hurt again? "Plaese, I just want to help." He looked at me with kind eyes. I searched for something to tell that he was lying, and that he actually wanted to hurt me, and I didn't find anything. I slowly took Dan's hand, and was pulled upwards.

"See, I wouldn't hurt you," He smiled. Oh my glob, his smile.

"My name's Dan, by the way." "I know, I really like your videos on YouTube." I admitted shyly.

"Oh, so you're a Danosaur?" He replied excitedly. "Um... Yeah," I bit my lip uncertainly. "That's so cool! I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name." He told me sweetly.

Should I tell him my name? Should I trust him with anything? I don't think telling him my name should hurt anything, but what if he keeps asking me for information? I stayed silent for a few moments, until he said.

"Well, Blank, would you like to join me for a cup of coffee?" Dan suggested. I nodded, still biting my lip.

We walked side by side down a murky London street. "You don't talk much, do you?" "I just don't trust you enough." "Oh, well, I wish that would change." He said with puppy eyes. I chuckled at Dan's response.

"Maybe it will."

He seemed much happier than before. I wonder why...

When we got to Starbucks, we ordered our drinks, and sat down. "So... How can I make you trust me?" He asked "Just answer one question." I responded "One question? Okay, have at it." He said.

"Are you friend or foe?"

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