Escape... Or Maybe Not

20 1 3

Ryan pov

We run through the woods, Mum encouraging Anthony and Victoria to keep running while keeping her tiny hand on the small of my back, pushing me along. Victoria begins to lag, so Mum pushes me farther ahead, almost to where  Da is in the lead, scoping out the area of land in front of us all. 

"Stop," He says gravely.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Mum says, stepping forward only to be pushed back by Anthony. 

"Hold up, Mum. Somethings not right here." Anthony says, and I can practically hear the suspicion in his voice.

"Where's Victoria? VICTORIA?!?!" Mum says, screaming out my twin sister's name. I spin around then double over, feeling a stabbing pain in my abdomen. We have the twin connection thing, so if she's ever hurt, I feel it, and the same thing with her: if I am hurt, she feels it too. It's then that I hear her screaming. I collapse, vaguely hearing my mum screaming my name, my fall lacing her voice with worry and fear. I could read her too, maybe not as good as she could read me, her being my mother and all, but she still sounded worried. 

"MUMMY!!!" I hear Victoria scream out, then a more pitiful, "Mummy...."

The shorter blonde guy had my sister. And she had been stabbed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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