Chapter 1

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The sun shining through my window slowly woke me up. I looked at my alarm clock. 7:24. "Ughh" I groan not wanting to go to school. I put on my glasses and sat up looking around letting my eyes adjust to the light. I got up and went to my closet to find some clothes. Suddenly someone started pounding on my door. "Lets go! Breakfast isn't gonna make it's self!" yells Alec through the door. I pulled on my uniform got and ready.
The loudness of the hallways overwhelmed me. I stood in my door way waiting for my ears to adjust. Down the hall I saw people getting ready for the pack breakfast.

The dinning hall was empty when I got there. I got to the kitchen and find what I'm making the pack for breakfast.

Around 9:00 people start arriving for breakfast. As I finish setting up the tables two girls came in.
One is about 5'3 and the other 5'0.
The short girl has long wavy blonde hair and one green eye and one blue eye. She stared at me with a kind of "evil" stare. She whispered to the other girl. I can't really tell what she said but the other girl smirked.
The taller girl had medium length reddish hair. Both of her eyes were Brown.

When they were about half way across the dinning hall I walked back into the kitchen. I got the Orange juice from the fridge along with the milk.
The two girls walked in and I stared at them with a slight amount of fear hoping they won't beat me up. That didn't help.
"Breakfast isn't until later," I quietly said.
"We don't want your gross food," said the blonde.
"Then you can't be here right now," I said slightly louder.
"Oh. Your trying to tell us what to do I see," said the girl with the red hair. They both walked closer to me pinning me against the counter. I tried to get out of there trap. It didn't work. Soon enough I was on the ground and they both were kicking me. I could feel my head and nose bleeding. A red haze began to take over my body and suddenly they both stop. It wasn't them that stopped it was me.

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