Chapter 19

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Somehow after several months of dating the two boys, Kathryn finds herself in an awful position. Because she wasn’t able to choose between them, she ended up dating the both of them. She made it known to them that she couldn’t tie herself down to one person right before everyone split for college but that she was willing to date them both. Stupidly, they both agreed.

                Oliver agreed because it was the only way to actually be with her. Oliver cared too much about her to let her go. Damien was heartbroken but he didn’t let her see it. He only agreed because she already knew that he loved her and he wanted to make sure that she doesn’t end up being with Oliver. Shelby was having fun watching the boys basically eat at each other’s throats over Kathryn’s heart. It was like watching two knights duel for her honor.

                Kathryn, however, wasn’t enjoying it as much as her best friend. No, instead, she ended up spending prom night with Shelby. Both had asked her to prom but she couldn’t take just one of them because that would mean she’d lose the other’s attention.

                “Shelby,” She pouted, “this is ridiculous! I’m spending my senior prom without a date.”

                “It’s kind of your fault,” Shelby laughed at her, “You are the one that decided to date the both of them.”

                “Actually it’s Trent’s fault,” She pouted, “He gave me the idea.”

                “Sure blame the dead guy,” Shelby rolled her eyes, “They can’t defend themselves.”

                “it’s not funny,” Kathryn pouted, “What do I do?”

                “Just pick one,” Shelby exclaimed, “I mean it’s not that fun anymore. Either you ruin your friendship with Oliver or have Damien hate you; either way, I could care less who you pick. I’m just tired of watching them fight over you.”

                “I thought you enjoyed it,” Kat responded dejected.

                “I did,” Shelby reassured, “Like four months ago when they were at each other’s throats! Now they ignore each other and fight for you. It’s not that fun to watch anymore.”

                The two girls walked into the prom location in their beautiful gowns but neither of them had dates so it wasn’t really a night to remember. Neither of them had much fun! Sure, Shelby ended up dancing with multiple guys but for most of the night you could find Kathryn sitting at a table or by the punch bowl. Only two people approached her and that was the two people she needed to avoid.

                Both Damien and Oliver attended without dates, trying to get her attention. They both tried to get her to dance  with them but this was the one night she was able to say no to them. She couldn’t dance with one and not the other and if she danced with both of them, it’s a guarantee that they’d be watching each other.

                By the end of the night, Kathryn was crying on the steps of her school because she couldn’t handle the pressure anymore. Dating two guys was not as fun as it sounded anymore. She wanted to enjoy her life and she could do that with two people crowding over her shoulder, but she still had no idea what to do.

                The good thing was that prom season was ending and graduation was coming next weekend. It was time to just cut ties and start over. It was a time to pick one person to be with and she wasn’t sure who she was going to pick but she knew that she would know soon. She couldn’t carry on her entire life with two husbands; that’s just awful!

                Sooner or later, things would unravel.

**RAISE your hand if you think Kathryn is selfish.---- but aren’t we all selfish?

&&& Sorry that’s it’s short but I couldn’t just skip prom night and go straight to graduation.***

 TWO MORE CHAPTERS GUYS (: Just two more!!!

[BTW: people who think this is going way to fast ‘raise your hand’ {Raise my hand}! Yes I agree. I’ve rushed the ending but good news: this is only the abridged version of what I have written (: It’s actually thirty four chapters long and the reason why I’m not posting the entire novel is that I plan on taking this plot and editing it completely (: I plan on publishing it one day when I’m older and a much better writer so don’t take my ideas guys (: yes, the way I end this ‘abridged version’ is the way I ended the unabridged version.  The only difference is that there are a lot of things that happen between the four months they started dating a prom. I mean A LOT but I felt that you WATTPADDERS don’t want to read the details…no you want the point! If You don’t like it, then I’m sorry but this is the only abridged verion I’ll post I promise (:]

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