Missing You

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I miss you. I miss our lazy ways
How we lay in bed all afternoon after classes were done...

I miss wishing that I could stay a bit longer by thinking up as many reasons for me not go home yet...

How the sound of raindrops on the roof was one of those reasons...

I miss waking up after an hour and feeling warmth near me, how you hug me to you like you were afraid to lose me.

How I would always turn around and face the person I loved...

Touching your slightly tanned skin, it felt rough against my fingers. Drawing unknown patterns on every curve on your serene face... How deceitful, hiding how far different from serene you were...

Your hot breath on my skin comforting me in the cold...

You would always open your sleepy eyes slowly and then look intently into mine...

You would kiss my forehead and reach for my hand and grasp it and caress them with your lips

You would place my hands on top of your heaving chest to make me feel you beating rapidly...

Again whispering that it only ever beat that way for me...

Words I would never hear from your mouth anymore but you might murmur to the eager ears of another

I'm not glad that this chapter is over
Just a bit more I would get over you, my past lover

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