How You Met

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Sorry some scenarios are short, but they'll be longer for future chapters <3

Nathaniel: "Highschool isn't so bad, highschool isn't so bad." You repeatedly said under your breath as you approached the white bricked building. It looked clean and freshly painted, the glass windows gave the illusion that the building was modern and new. A sign stood in the lawn, "Sweet Amoris Highschool" it read.

You tried to calm your breathing, "See? Not sketchy at all. Nothing to worry about." You thought. Okay, a little insight. Your parents had just moved to this town, and you were now a freshman in highschool. You were sad you had to leave your friend's behind, you could really use them right now.

Continuing to stare up at the school, you felt someone shove into you. You fell onto the ground, but catching yourself with your palms. You looked up, to see a bleach blonde girl with curls glaring down at you. "Either go inside or get out of my way!" She then stuck her nose in the air and laughed as she sashayed away.

Standing up you brushed your hands off, glancing around to see if anyone had seen the altercation, you found yourself to be alone. Overhead the school bell began to rang, class started in 5 minutes. "Shit! Shit, shit, shit!" You quickly flung open the door to the school and rushed inside.

As you entered so fast, you nearly ran smack into an elderly woman in a pink dress. "Oh, excuse me ma'am." You apologized. The eldery woman looked you up and down, before breaking into a sweet smile. "You must be Candy, the new student." Cheeks flushed, you nodded your head. Was it that obvious?

"I'm Sweet Amoris's principle, Mrs. Woods." She extended her hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you." You shook her hand. "I recommend you go see the Student Body President, Nathaniel, for your entry forms." She nodded her head to a door on the right, a few feet away. You thanked her, and went to the room.

Grabbing the doorknob, you pushed open the door gently and peered inside. Standing with their back to you, there was a boy. He had golden locks of hair, and wore a white dress shirt with khaki pants. "Um, hello? I'm here to see the student body president?" The boy turned around, his golden orbs meeting with your e/c ones. "That would be me, I'm Nathaniel. Can I help you?"

Oh gosh, he's really cute. "I-I need my entry forms," you stammered, feeling like complete mush under his gaze. He smiled, showing perfect teeth that comes from thousands of dollars worth of dentist work. "You're Candy? Hold on one moment please." Turning back around, he dug through some papers.

Returning to you, he handed you a stack of forms. "Welcome to Sweet Amoris." You thanked him and quickly left, heart ponding. 

Castiel: "Okay, what a bore." You sighed as you left the student council room. The student body president, Nathaniel, had just given you a STACK of paperwork to fill out. Day one of highschool and already they have you working like a dog!

Running your hands through your h/c hair, you stepped outside into the courtyard. The sun felt good on your bare skin, and you closed your eyes for a moment. It felt nice just to feel the fresh air. That's when you felt the presence. It was dark. Your eyelids fluttered opened. There, blocking your sunlight, was a tall teenage boy. He had dyed red hair that hung under his ears, and wore a leather jacket. You smirked at his tshirt.

"Winged Skull eh? You're into rock? I would've pegged you for a metal fan." The boy scowled at you for a moment, before his lips turned up into a smile. "I'm full of surprises. I'm Castiel." "Y/n." You responded. You tilted your head back and gave a small giggle. "Fuck me, for a moment I had completely forgotten about my paperwork."

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