Fimogen.. forever?

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Chapter 1: A Small Crush

Imogens POV:

I couldn't help but think of Fiona. Yes, I had relationships, but Fiona felt like more than just a relationship. I felt like we were meant to be together, but Fiona didn't. And I didn't want to hold her back from persuing her dreams. She could go so far, she didn't need me by her side. And I needed to move on. Who could I go on a date with? Eli? Nah. Been there, done that. He was much better with Clare. Drew? He's settling with Bianca. Dallas? Nah, he's too much of a-

Before I could finish thinking, Tristan swooped in front of me. 

"Hey, what did you think?" he asked me, glaring eyes.

"Think.. of what?" I asked.

"The play idea I just told you about.. you were listening right?"

"Oh yeah yeah um, I think it's a great idea! It'll be really, nice! I love it."

"It's not supposed to be NICE Imogen. You weren't listening at all were you?" He put his arm around me. He could tell I still wasn't over Fiona, just like everyone could tell. I needed to do something.

"Why don't you sit with us for lunch Immy? You seem really down, and although we're 10th graders, we sure know how to raise someones spirits." Tristan smiled at me. He was right. His friendship group could cheer me up.

"So.. are you a lesbian?"

"MAYA!" shouted Tristan.

"No, it's okay. I um, I'm bisexual. I like girls and boys." I giggled. I'd never actually announced what I was, but I knew for definite that I also liked boys.

"How many boys have you been with?" asked Miles, the new kid.

"I've actually only properly been with 2 boys. 1 girl." I answered, thinking about Fiona.

"How long had you been with he-"

"6 months, 3 weeks and 4 days." I answered quickly, because I was used to people asking me this question. I shouldn't have been sad, after all I had let Fiona go. I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"Oh no, don't cry. Tears are my kryptonite." Said the other new kid, Winston. He was smart and sarcastic, yet I could see right through him.

"Well if they're your kryptonite, you're about to get blown up." I giggled. I saw Winston was still looking at me, wide eyed. But he was smiling. He noticed I noticed him smiling, and quickly looked down. That was cute. Maybe I was developing a small crush on this 10th grader?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2013 ⏰

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