Chapter III

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Sight of that little girl in the cell made him come even closer to bars. The guard standing beside him just let out a sigh of relief that this little torture was going to end. 

The creature inside small, grey room, was just sitting on the floor which was probably her bed too. No screaming, no running around, no movement at all. She sat there and looked at him with silver, empty eyes. A bit scary, but even more fascinating. She was literally the opposite of everybody else in this prison. He searched for any description of this subject.

"Project Witcher. Unfinished. 

WARNING. Mental issues. Self-destructive. 

Powers: using few spells called 'signs'. Mostly fire and protection.

Style of fighting: sword and knives."

The rest was just a blur, something about her training. It doesn't really matter. He decided when he saw her. 

"I'm picking her." Speaking after such a long time of walking in complete silence was a bit odd. He looked at her, but she had her gaze focused on floor. She didn't even try to look happy about it. What the actual hell?

"But, sir, this project hasn't been finished yet. We need some more time to prepare her to fight and..." German scientist nearly popped out of nowhere and started rambling about some other issues. 

"I don't care. I picked her." Winter still hadn't changed his mind. The scientist was about to begin with his explanations but someone showed. Alexander, the guy who punched him.

"It's alright, Keller, he may have her." After he spoke, scientist just nodded and walked away. Finally. "And you, Winter, are going back to your room. You'll have the chance to talk to your new companion after we'll move her to her new place. Understood?"

"Yes, sir." He mumbled still looking at the girl. There was something strange about her that he couldn't explain. But he eventually averted his eyes and went back through that long, sterile, white hall.

When he finally was in his own room he lied down on his bed. This is going to be a very long night. 

He noticed how Hydra was impossibly nice to him today. They even allowed him to go to sleep. That was extremely odd and with that thought, he fell asleep.

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