Chapter 2

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This day could not be off to a worse start.

Here I am in the middle of the super market and Emmett is screaming his poor little lungs out and I don't know why.  I move my cart out of the middle of the aisle and start our normal bouncing routine.  It seems to calm him but only a little.  God, If Elizabeth were here she'd know what to do.  The louder he gets , the redder I get. This is not a fun experience for either of us.  I feel a small tap on my shoulder.  I turn around and there's a very concerned woman

" Excuse me sir, but do you mind?"

" oh. no! sorry, I'll move out of your way."

" No. I think you misunderstood.  May I see him?" Uh.. what?

" sure...." I say as I slowly hand her my son.  She takes him in her small arms and cuddles him and pats his back. She Rubs his chest and talks nonsense to him and then after about two minutes of this her burps and stops crying. She pats his a few more times sand then extends him to me. What just happened. I guess she noticed my confused face and so she explained.

" Its called a gas bubbles, it gets stuck and it hurts them so the do the best thing they know how to do to explain what's happening. Cry. " She kind of laughs.

" but.. but how did you know that?"

" Oh. I didn't. haha, but I  figured it was worth a shot. You were losing your mind over here."

" wow! well you should definitely considering being an angel or a nurse or something. "

" I actually am a nurse. Becoming an angel was like a lifetime of work." I laughed at her joke.

" well thank you anyway! I'm Marc by the way!"

" Oh, right! I'm Paige! It was so nice meeting you! "

" You too! I'll see you around!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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