chapter one

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He did not have a name. No one even knew he existed except his mother who gave birth to him at home and had told no one of the child. Because there was no one to tell. she was also known by no one. The state had no record of her, neither the country. The father had killed her in the child's seventh year for wanting to send him off to public school which would ruin the fathers plans for his son. In the morning when his mother had not run him his bath or gotten his warm cereal, he asked his father where she had gone, his answer was most formidable, " I mustn't tell you a lie son. But I can not tell you the truth. "this troubled him for some time and every night he made theory after theory about what could of happened to her. Until the point where it became to painful to think of, in which he did not want to know of the truth.

in the child's eighth year his father began to home school him. Although he did not learn what most children learn at the age of eight. He did not learn to read or write. He did not learn math or science.

He was taught to kill.

he had never seen another human being other then his parent, but he hated was not his fault, that's what he had been taught. His father told him stories of the humans, which were mostly lies but He did not doubt his father. He believed every word he spoke for he did not have much else to go off of. Without his fathers words he had nothing.

"And that's why we must kill them" his father told him, "to save the planet". He never questioned his father Until the night his father made him kill. Not only kill, but torture them.

This can't be the right thing he thought. But he did what his father asked. He was then taught how to dispose of a body and leave no trace that he had been there.

He continued to learn these things and killed twice more before his tenth year. And after while he did not fell guilt, for he began to see them as creatures of no greater value then a mere varmint. He also did not fret, for in his mind he was doing the world a good deed, and every time he eluded the police, he never got caught. But every time he wondered, why, if he was doing a good deed, why hide it? Although the question bothered him, he killed wrathfully and expunged the evidence so no one would find out about his honorable deeds.

"Other humans kill for greed, we kill for purpose" his father told him. And he believed him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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