Under the Flames

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Under the flames is my original work so if anyone who copies it or claims it as theirs will be reported. 

So now that that's out of the way on with the story.


Avina has spent the last 6 years of her life on a spaceship headed towards the planet of fire and water her aunt fled to after the death of Avina's parents to get a fresh start. Avina is not only hoping to get that same fresh start but maybe finally reach the closure over her parents that had never come by reconnecting with her aunt who's fresh start rewarded her with a great job and a loving husband.

Avina instantly realizes that her closure will not come so easily as soon as she receives a letter from someone trying to scare her and what's left of her family. But this is not the first time she's received blackmail, someone followed her to this new fiery planet.

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