Chapter II

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I re-wrote this chapter because I just didn't feel good about the original, I'm also going to re-write chapter 3 because it's absolute, cringe-worthy, trash. And I made sucky, cliche characters which killed me because even I hated them.


Avina's eyes fluttered open, her sleep had been restless. She could not remember with what her dreams had been filled, something she's always struggled with. One thing she did know was the enchantment and beauty the flames embodied the day before was now gone, so she didn't bother lowering the blinds that encompassed her glass room, blocking her view of the flames. "Avina," she heard Creoness call from below in the tunnel that leads up to her room, "Are you awake." "Yes," Avina called in reply.

"Okay, Haemon will have breakfast ready in a few minutes, is there anything in particular that you want," she asked. "Not really," Avina answered. "Okay," she called again.

Avina found her suit case and pulled out a pair of comfortable leggings and a t-shirt and didn't bother with shoes. She brushed her hair and went down to her bathroom which just past the space for the little elevator that goes up to her room.

Once she was finally presentable she found her way to the kitchen. Haemon was fixated on cooking bacon and eggs, while Creoness was at the table looking at what looked like the morning news on her glass tablet.

Creoness looked up from what she was reading, "Good morning Avina, I hope you slept well last night," before Avina could answer Haemon chirped in, "Morning Avina, I hope you like fried eggs. " "I love them, and Creoness I slept wretchedly," she answered both of them. "Pity," Creoness said. "How come," Haemon asked. "Not sure," Avina replied. "Maybe it's just from sleeping in a new bed," he suggested. Avina said "that might be it," though she didn't really believe her words.

"Avina," Creoness waver her over, "Haemon and I decided we need to set some ground rules, not that we don't trust you, we just want you to know what sort of behavior we expect out of you." Avina nodded, "That sounds great for both of us."

"Okay," Creoness started, "First is the obvious, no drinking, no sex, no smoking, no talking back, etcetera, at least until we legally can't control you when you turn 18 few months. Second you can go anywhere and do what you like except previously mentioned but you must always be home by 10:30 unless you've arranged something with us first. Third don't wreck the house, and if you do, clean it up before I see it. We're going to trust that you'll follow these rules; if you break that trust then there will be consequences. Can we agree with that?"

Avina was a bit shocked, she was expecting a strict set of rules to follow, but that's not the case. She was given plenty of freedom.

"Oh, and let us know if you'll be home for diner," Haemon added.

"All of that is absolutely fine," Avina agreed. "Great," Creoness cheered.

"Breakfast!" Haemon yelled running to place two plates on the table where Avina and Creoness sat. He'd made a fried egg for each of them and two pieces of bacon. He returned to the kitchen asking what they wanted to drink. Both Avina and Creoness replied saying they wanted orange juice. He brought each of them a glass of the bright yellow-orange liquid then once again returned to the kitchen to get his own food. "Isn't he such a gentleman," Creoness commented. He sent her a gleaming white smile, one of the most genuine Avina had ever seen. "So, honey, what's on today's schedule," he asked.

"Well," she said, "I thought after breakfast we'd go next door to the Patterson's flat. Lee said Izzy is just dying to meet Avina," Creoness said sarcastically, "though she's your age so who knows, you teenagers are weird sometimes". Avina's ears perked up. She was excited to make some new friends. After all she's just left behind all her other friends on the ship. Unfortunately none of them had joined her in her new life at Stellum. She'd only been close with one person and they had a peaceful parting. It was sad, but they both accepted it and knew they'd be able to move on when the time came for them to separate.

"Avina," Her aunt snapped her out of her daze. "Huh," Avina grunted. "We just asked what you thought about going next door." "I think it's a good idea, need to make at least one other familiar face, right?" Avina said. "Izzy is a bit of a, uh, handful," Haemon said, "you've been warned". Avina laughed reassuring him she's fine with it. "That's settled then, I'll send them a message right now," Creoness said. With that they all finished their breakfast and finished any business they needed to before they left.

Avina went up to her room to put on a flannel shirt to be a little more presentable for whomever it was she was meeting. They all reconvened on the main floor in the living room before leaving.

The walked just a few feet away from their home before stopping in front of a door which opened to reveal a blonde woman with a motherly figure. "Hi, I'm Lee, I'm so excited you're here, I finally get to meet you," Lee squeaked at me and rushed forward to hug Avina. Avina took note of how friendly the woman was. When they released each other from the embrace Avina said "I guess I don't need to introduce myself then." The group laughed. "Creoness, has talked about you non-stop, she's been so excited," the woman smiled forming crinkles at the edges of her hazel eyes. "Please come in, I'll go get Izzy," she stepped aside to let the three inside and walked down the hall just inside the door and knocked on a door.

"Izzy, get up, Creoness is visiting," she yell at the door. A few muffled words came through but Avina couldn't make out any words. "Their niece is with them," she said. More muffled words. "Because you might actually enjoy a human's presence for once." A laugh this time. "Izzy, just come out and meet the girl," her Lee insisted. "OH MY GOD FINE," a girl yelled, then more words Avina couldn't understand. "Lose that attitude before you join us," Lee ordered. There was more unintelligible gibberish except "COFFEE." "Only if you promise to be polite," she said and came back to where I was still standing in the doorway.

"Please come in Avina," Lee welcomed, "just sit down where ever you like, have you guy eaten yet?" I nodded stepping inside the home followed my aunt and uncle, " Haemon is quiet a chef." "That he is. TY?" she called. A sleepy pre-adolescent boy emerged groaning "what mom." "Get dressed, as you can see we have company, oh and make sure your sister is up, if she doesn't listen, tell her no coffee for a week." "Now, Lee that's just cruel," Haemon spoke up. "She'll get up, I'm putting a pot on for her now, anyone else want a cup of coffee as well?" Lee asked. "Yes please," Avina said. "You know me Lee, never one for coffee," Creoness relied. "Of course, and what about you Haemon?" "Uh, sure," he answered. Creoness scrunched her nose in disdain

Five minutes later Ty had joined us again wearing a hoodie despite the warmth of the cozy home. He looked bored to the edge of desperation by the time Izzy showed up 30 minutes later.

The infamous Izzy emerged in an outfit that consisted of so much black; it would give any black hole a run for its singularity. Avina was optimistic and didn't judge her. Izzy looked at Avina for a moment and then turned her attention to her mother Lee, "this is her?" "Yep," Lee chirped. "She looks like a judgmental little preppy girl," Izzy said bluntly. "Izzy," her mother gasped. "Mom," Izzy gasped sarcastically. "Hypocrite," Avina faked gasped at Izzy. Izzy looked at her and Avina could've sworn her lips turned upwards the slightest bit. "Avina, don't be rude" Creoness said. Haemon's eyes twinkled with amusement at it all. "She's fine," Lee said, "It's Izzy here that's being rude." "What? I was only telling the truth, isn't that what I've always been told to do," Izzy explained with a mischievous smile. Her mother scowled, but she couldn't argue. "Anyway, Avina lets go chill in my room, adults are boring," Izzy said surprising everyone, "stop staring at me weird, she earned my respect with the 'hypocrite' thing." As Izzy and Avina walked away they heard everyone talking about how confusing teenagers are. To which Izzy said "Darn straight mom." Avina let out a laugh, just maybe this friendship would work.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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