-Chapter Twenty-

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Date: August, 20th, 2015

Location: Landstuhl Regional Medical Hospital

Time: 1000

Bryan got up out of the bed getting into the crutches. I watched with crossed arms. His first day of rehab. It would be his only one. Tomorrow he would be flying off back to Italy. Back home to continue his rehabilitation process.

He couldn't stay. We had other injured soldiers coming in everyday.

"Feel any pain?", asked the therapist making sure he wouldn't fall.

Bryan smiled wiggling his toes. "I can feel the ground", he said looking at me.

I smiled in response, "Good, that means the surgery was successful", I said.

"Thanks to you", said Bryan moving his foot forward starting the simple exercise that the physical therapist had requested him to complete.

I nodded checking my watch and heard Bryan ask, "Can I try without the crutches?", he asked.

The therapist glanced at me and shook his head, "No, you haven't used your legs in 13 days. Your arms are supporting your body weight more than your legs at the moment", replied the therapist examining his leg.

Bryan groaned. "You won't be on them for long, only a few days. Maybe your therapist in Italy will let you, but not with me", replied the doctor.

"Italy?", asked Bryan.

He blinked he had completely forgotten he was going to be sent back.

"I'm not going back to the field?", he asked referring to his term of service looking at me.

I shook my head, "No, you aren't ready, especially just after surgery. You need to rest and give your body time to recuperate. We can't send you back out into the field. When, I can't say, that will be determined by your doctor when you return to Italy, not me", I said.

"Oh....", said Bryan a bit bummed now.

"I've already informed your grandparents as to when you will arrive. I'll just have to sign off on a few things with Dr. Reinhard before you leave", I said.

Bryan nodded looking towards the window. He then looked back at me.

"Can I come by your office later today?", he asked.

I raised my eyebrows, "Do you have questions? I can answer them now if you'd like since I'm here", I replied.

"Well, I still have to pay you", said Bryan trying to get a reason out.

I laughed, "No, no, you don't pay me. At least not all of it. You have government benefits. I don't get paid by you exactly anyways", I replied.

I sighed, "But my conference period is at four if you want to come. I'll be in my office then. I'm glad you are on your feet but I have a few other things to do", I said taking my clip board. I waved exiting.

I shook my head. That man was such a sweet heart.

Bryan at four made his way to my office on the crutches so that he wouldn't piss anyone off. Monica had guided him through the maze of halls though it wasn't far away. She had insisted on a wheel chair but Bryan objected. If he wanted to get better and on his actual feet quicker then he'd have to start as soon as possible.

Monica knocked on the door before he could even try to do it himself.

I raised my head from my work hearing it, "Come in", I said.

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