The Danger of Heedlessness

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I saw it.

Just beyond the hem of trees that stitched together the Forrest dense and the meadow quiet.

I saw it amidst the shadows that deepened into blackness as the sun dipped low beyond the horizon.

I saw it because I wanted to and I dared not blink in case it faded into a figment of my own devises.

I saw it because I wanted to; because I had asked.

I had reached out and touched the silky silver section of reality that was better left unmarred. I had taken hold of it, with all my might, for all my curiosity, and tugged.

So now I saw. Still and silent in the shadows at the edge of the wood. It had heard me.

No longer a figment, no longer a thought; but real and as tangible as I on this day. I opened my mouth and naught of myself came forth.

I gasped and, choking on my own breath, I pleaded, "Dear God, what have I done?"

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