Chapter 9 - And Then Everything Changed

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It's been a month since the incident with Matt. We've started filming. It's been amazing. And sometime during those four weeks Matt and I started hanging out away from set.

Today was one of those days.

I watched as Matt walked to my side of the car to help me out. He opened my door and held his hand out. I took his hand, stood up, and smoothed out my skirt.

I was wearing a black, knee-length skirt, a white button up shirt with black polka dots, and black flats. Matt was wearing black dress pants, a white shirt and a black bow tie.

In my opinion, the bow tie was kind of cute. Though I'm absolutely certain he took it from the set.

I smiled as he gave me his elbow, and hooked my arm around his. He lead me toward a small restaurant. It wasn't a 'popular' place, so there was very little chance of Matt, or even me, being recognised.

"Hello. Table for two today?"

Matt nodded, "Yes sir. Thank you."

The man led us toward a table near the back, Matt and I's arms still looped together.

After a short walk to the table, Matt pulled his arm away to pull my chair out for me.

I smiled, blushed a little, and murmured, "Thanks."

Matt must've heard me though because he smiled and nodded, then sat down. He looked over at the man who had led us back and was now standing patiently beside the table.

"Your waiter tonight will be Angie," he said as he handed us menus and walked away.

"Well that was sassy," I said, laughing a bit.

Matt shook his head, trying not to laugh. Which only caused me to laugh more for some reason. Then Matt started laughing, and suddenly a waitress was at our table shushing us.

"Excuse me, but you two are being loud and I'm going to have to ask you to quiet down."

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realise how loud we were. We'll be quieter now," I answered looking up at her.

She nodded sharply and walked away.

"Okay now that was really sassy. Don't you agree?"

This time Matt kept his cool, "Yeah, she was really sassy. But, if she'd realised who we were, she wouldn't be so sassy."

"Oh no. Matt, you are not going to play the celebrity card. That's not nice. Well, I mean, seeing people fangirl because they're meeting you is kind of cool, but you aren't playing the celebrity card here," I crossed my arms and gave him my best bitchface.

He sighed and looked back at me, "Fine. I won't. But still, you have to admit, playing the celebrity card would make them all a hell of a lot nicer."

"While that might be true, we still aren't playing the celebrity card. They could call the paps and then we'd really be in trouble."

"Ah, yes. That is indeed true. I agree, no need for the celebrity card now. There's no use using it just so we get better service. We might as well act as though we did before we were famous and deal with it," Matt answered, slightly smiling.

Just then the waitress can back, "Have you decided on what you want to drink?"

"Oh, yes. I'll have a glass of your finest champagne, and a water."

"Sir, you do realise how expensive the champagne is don't you," the waitress asked, looking concerned.

"Yes ma'am I do. And I would still like a glass," Matt replied calmly.

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