He's Mad At You Pt. 2

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Yall was so lit on HMAY part one, omgg it was so funny 😂 ok part two now

Yn pov

Angry isnt even near the word to use to describe how im feeling right now

Livid? No.

Ashamed? Maybe, i embarrassed myself & Justin. I knew good and well in my heart that i was better than that, bigger than them.

But they slapped me

Put their hands on me, strike out!

I could tolerate the name calling, teasing, ignorance & childish behavior. But putting your bare hands on yn ymn yln? Thats suicide.

My face was flustered, hair was tousled, no scratches though.

Justin looked at me with concern written all over his face, disappointment in his eyes

I felt bad.

"You ok?" he asked

I shook my head no, i raised my head

"Im sorry" i said barely below a whisper

He didnt say anything, i knew he was upset but he has to understand

She slapped me

"Justin-" i started

"Lets go" he cut me off

I went to my locker to grab my bag while Justin waited for me at his car with his head down


"You ready?" i asked

He nodded his head as he unlocked the doors and drove off campus

We pulled up to his house and i didnt see his dads car in the driveway so i assumed he was still at work

We stepped out of the car and headed into the house, i went upstairs to freshen up while Justin headed to the kitchen

I held back the tears that were forming, i hate when hes upset with me.

It means ive disappointed him in some way

I washed my face and placed my hair in a messy bun

I always keep spare clothes over here, its like my second home

I put on some nike sweats and a white T-shirt with some socks

I decided to just chill in his bed until hr felt like talking

I scrolled through my newsfeed to see that someone has already uploaded the video

I rolled my eyes in annoyance

I looked up from my phone once i heard the bedroom door creek open

Justin walked in and glanced at me

I watched as he changed into something similar to my attire, except he wore no shirt.

He climbed into bed beside me

"Justin, whats wrong?" i asked even though i already knew

He looked me in my eyes

"Im disappointed in you yn" he responded

I held my head down, he took the time to continue

"You and i both know youre better than this, you've never let them girls get to you before"

"I was fed up and plus she put her hands on me Justin--she slapped me"

"I know and you had every reason to react the way you did, but i was hoping to never see that side of you, i wanted you to just simply get up the moment she walked her ass over to our table. I didnt want you to entertain her stupidity" he finshed and with that he turned around to sleep

I couldn't sleep though, knowing that ive upset him

Disappointed him

Im glad he understands why i hit her, but im not ok with him going to sleep upset

He wasnt holding me so i felt alone, i peeked over to his sleeping face.

I lightly tugged on his shirt

"Justin" i called

Nothing. I sighed

I climbed out of his bed and walked to his side

I guess he sensed that i wasnt beside him because he opened one eye and looked at the now vacant space

He turned back around, i guess asumming i just went to the bathroom

I climbed into his arms and kissed his cheek as i wrapped my arms around him

He opened his eyes and looked down

He kissed my forhead has he snuggled me closer

"Im sorry" we both said

"Why are you sorry?" i asked

He sighed

"Im sorry for not understanding you and also not understanding where you were coming from" he said with a sad smile

I nodded my head

" its ok, im sorry for giving them what they wanted. I love you"
I replied

"Its ok baby, i love you too"

"So what now?" i asked

"We sleep" he smiled

I giggled

He held me tight as we slept, today i almost believed those girls

They were always saying that i wasnt good enough for Justin

Today proved their point, but then i think back on our good times

All our smiles, laughter, kisses and hugs

We're good for each other

We love each other.

The End

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