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"Sixth Kodor." the man tells me, condemning me to the weakest class. I accept it with dignity, beginning the search for my room. On the way, I brush past a tan boy with a condescending look in his eyes that terrifies me. I look away quickly, walking through the halls with what little dignity and grace I had left. Finally, I reach my room, the door being thrown open by an unfamiliar brunette. She was beautiful. Long hair cascaded from her shoulders, half braided while the other half hung at chin length. Her skin, a glowing, warm brown, was flawless in its entirety, matching her dark eyes that were surprisingly dull for someone so beautiful. Her physique was what some would consider chubby, but she was proportional for her large breast and butt size. I give a shy smile, hiding behind one of my bags.

"Are you coming in, or staying out there?" the girl used a cold, quiet tone.

"C-coming in?" I hate my voice for breaking, for betraying me. The girl moves to the side, allowing me into the two-bedded room.

"The name's Asra, by the way. You get that bed." She points to the far bed. I nod, placing my bags beside the bed I'll be sleeping in.

"I-I'm Faiza..." I respond, my shyness showing through.

"Whatever." Asra turns over in bed, falling asleep. I decide to do the same. Tomorrow's a big day.


Running. My staff had been taken away, leaving me pretty much useless. Tears mix with sweat as I trip for the fifteenth time, leaving a scrape on my palms. I force myself to my feet again, ignoring how my tears mixed with the sweat dripping down my face. I can't quit now. It's the first day. Besides, I can't have made this journey in vain.

By the end of the day, I was covered in dust, scrapes and soreness, a mess if there ever was one. I couldn't bring myself to eat much, even though I tried. Everything hurt. Still, that blue-haired boy seemed to have faith in me. I tried talking to Asra, but I was asleep before she could say much to me.

Days passed, leaving my body bruised, my spirit in pain.

"I can't do it. I can't make it. It hurts, everything hurts..." I sob into my arms, unable to pick myself up.

"C'mon, you can't give up now! Look, we're nearly to the top of the tower!" the vaguely familiar boy's voice reached me. I struggled to look up, meeting blue eyes and an outstretched hand. I strained, finally reaching it, being pulled up by a kid. We climb the tower, my thanks going out to him as blood from my arms drips off my fingers, leaving spots on the stone. Sweat drips off of me, staining my clothing. Still, I can't give up. I have to be strong, just like he asked me to be before I left my home country.

Finally, there are only six of us left. The instructor takes us to a study hall. We are instructed to place our magoi inside a statue. Naturally, I'm the last to go, but my magic was different than everyone else's. They were all burned or half drowned or blown away. When I try, vines fly at me, getting me in a bit of a jam.

"Unbelievable! Type eight life magic!"

"S-sorry..." I apologize without the need for it, a bad habit I had formed at a young age.

"Wow, Miss Faiza! You're really talented!" Aladdin, the blue-eyed boy, cheers for me. I pull off the vines, my face redder than the flowers that started blooming on it.

"I-I'm really nothing special, I swear."

Every day, I gave my all, even though there wasn't much to give. Still, I noticed how Aladdin became close friends with the white-haired guy that gave me a cruel look. Meanwhile, I slowly started to become closer to Asra, spending most of our free time together. Her eyes even started to have light in them again.

"Hey! Miss Faiza, do you mind us sitting here?" Aladdin asks me. I look over at Asra, who is right next to me.

"Whatever." she says coldly. I nod encouragingly.

"So how are you liking classes, Miss Faiza?"

"Th-they're pretty fun now. Oh, and just call me 'Faiza', I mean, we're friends, r-right?" I respond, my voice a little shaky since the tan stranger that Aladdin had brought sat right in front of me. I train my eyes on my food.

"Of course we are! Speaking of friends, this is Sphintus."

"That's right, the fourth kodor." the boy brags. I nod quietly, unable to find words. "Hey, can you even speak?"

"Y-yeah, I can, it's just..."

"Don't pressure her, you ass. Can't you see she's shy?" Asra takes center stage, sending a wave of disrespect at him. I look up at her, entirely shocked that she didn't even change from her regular tone. "Don't expect her to be super friendly. She's shy. It's part of her personality. So if you're going to force Fai into something she doesn't want to do, I'll kill you where you sit. No question, no trial. Come on, Fai. Let's go."

Only one person has ever stood up for me before. Asra stands up, offering me a hand while her eyes remain dead.

"I-isn't that a little extreme, A-"

"What, for a self-centered guy like him? I'm going easy."

"Asra, no. Either sit down or go without me. We don't know why he acts this way, so we can't make rush judgements like that. Besides, I'm still hungry." I'm surprised at the potency, the strength behind these words. Asra sits beside me, slowly pulling herself closer. I notice the shock in all of the faces surrounding me. I had stood up to face my friend, so I sit, a bright red tinge undoubtedly painting my face.

"Wow, Faiza! I didn't know you were so brave!" Aladdin's words pierce my ears.

"I-I'm really not, you know. You can quit saying that..."

"But it's the truth! It takes a lot to stand up to a friend like that!"

I push my meal away, my appetite lost. Standing, I hide my face away. I can't let them see my tears, my fear. "Goodnight."

That's all I say before walking out in complete silence, trying to scrape the eyes off my skin by walking out of sight. When I'm sure nobody can see me, I sprint to the room I share with Asra and curl up on the bed, finally letting my weakness take over. I'll be strong, Mus'ad... Just like I promised.

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