Growing up.

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Growing up.

It's hard as hell,but you don't really have a choice do you? After you graduate you have an option,Go to college to get a better education for a great job,Or be a low life bum.Thats how my dad explains it.

I'm Kassidy,I'm being forced to attend a college that I have no attention of wanting to go to,I'm only going to make my dad happy

My dads very professional.He's a doctor and gets paid a lot.So I mean that's cool but money doesn't fix much,It doesn't fix the fact that he was never home much in the 18 years I have been living in my parents house.

I don't want to be a doctor or anything big.All I want to do is have a camera in my hands as I take the dopest pictures! FYI if my dad heard me say "Dopest" he would probably ground me for a year.If you don't know what I mean by now,Well I want to be a photographer

You don't need collage for that.

"Done packing?"I didn't have to turn around because I knew my dads voice.I just nodded and picked up the last bag in my now empty room.

"I'll be down in a minute"He simply nodded and exited my room,Not to get all cheesy and stuff but this room was where I was all the time.Im not very social so I spent all my time.Alone,In here

I sighed loudly as I walked out of my room.The first thing I saw when I went downstairs was my mom.In tears

She's always been an emotional person.I smiled and gave her a hug and let her cry on my shoulder.She mumbled a "I'm gonna miss you" and I few other things but I couldn't understand the rest.

"Mom! I'll be back in no time! I'll call everyday and tell you about my day"She smiled "It'll be fine"

"Shall we go?"My dad asked as he stood by the door with my last bag in his hand.I nodded and made sure to give my mom one last hug.

I'm not an emotional person.I guess I get that from my dad! He's not either,I got in the passenger seat of the truck and immediately put my headphones in.A six hour drive with my dad means that headphones are necessary.


"Welcome! Can I get your name please?"I tried so hard not roll my eyes because her voice was the definition of annoying.

"Kassidy Lynn"

She handed me my schedule and the keys to my dorm room.Hopefully I don't have "That" roommate or even the messy roomate! Oh my gosh I would not be able to spend a year with a messy person.I have serious OCD.

I walked down the hallway and stopped as soon as I saw dorm room.


"This isn't fair! I ordered to have my own dorm"

I stopped in my tracks and decided to listen.

"Yes I know but there's an extra student! And I bet if you just gave her a chance you'll like her"

Wait? I'm sharing a room with a guy! That's against school policy,They cant do that! I stormed into the room but stopped when I saw them.There was an older guy.Im guessing it's our professor.

I looked over at the other guy.He looked mad.His jaw clenched and his eyebrows raised in anger.I had to take a moment.He was obviously good looking but he looked like the biggest fuck boy.

"Can I help you?"He snapped

"This is my dorm room"I said confidently,The professor guy nodded and smiled towards me

"Yes! You must be Kassidy"I nodded "This is Ethan! You'll be sharing a dorm with him"

"Girls and guys aren't allowed to share dorm rooms"I said

"Well if it wasn't allowed you wouldn't be in here"Ethan snapped,I furrowed my eyebrows at him but stayed silent.

"Uhm so what side of the room do you want? I want to start unpacking" He chuckled and walked over to me.He toward over me,Everyone does actually! I'm only 5'3

"Pick a side I don't care! Just stay the fuck away from me and don't talk to me!"He snapped as he walked out the door, I angrily sighed

"I'll leave you to unpack Kassidy! Hopefully you have a good year"

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