Zael and Calista (Cuts and Bruises AU)

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Hey, so I used this tumblr AU to write this. A lot of my oneshots are gonna be tumblr AUs. Please Enjoy.

Calista's maids were at wits end. She constantly received bruises and cuts in places a lady would never have them let alone the fact that they should not really have any such marks in the first place. Whoever her soul mate was was leading a hard life and they prayed she stopped him from such stunts once she found him. The expenses on her makeup alone were alarming.

Calista herself did not care. Those scars and bruises told her that whoever it was was a man who could stand up for and protect himself. (Unless he was a criminal. But heaven forbid such a fate). She often slipped out of the castle simply to look around, and hopefully to find this mystery man.

Zael had been at this too long. Whoever his soul mate was must hate him by now.He stood and swung at the next reptid, holding his shoulder where its blade had gone through. 

"ZAEL! Watch it!!"

Dagran swung at the lizard which had slipped up behind him.

"Seriously? What is your soulmate going to do if you die?"

"Maybe not deal with all my stupid scars, find a better man and hopefully never think of whoever I am again. Seriously though, I believe she must be someone of a high upbringing. The bruises and injuries I get from her are always so small. Maybe a scratch on my ankle or a poke on my fingertip, nothing more. Oh.... except."

Zael kept it to himself, but he was terrified of what his soulmate was going through. He almost always had at least one bruise on his arm or his torso, somewhere that could easily be covered up.

Who would do that to her? And why? What had she done to them?

About a week later, they were at Lazulis Castle, called there by Count Arganan. The Reptids were even worse here than anywhere else because the magic drew them. After receiving their orders, he decided he'd explore the town a bit and maybe find something to do.

As he walked past the market, he heard a funny sound come from the cart of hay left alone next to the door of one of the stables. Lifting up the cover he found a young woman, who looked at him with startled blue eyes. Her silver hair was hidden beneath a grey hood and her blue dress was covered in hay.

"Shhhh, the guards will find me if you say anything!"

Zael nodded and dropped the tarp when he noticed a pair of the metal clad men coming his way.

"Have you seen a girl about your age? Silver hair? Grey hood and cape?"


The guards sighed and moved on muttering about the trouble they'd be in

"What are you doing in here Miss?" Zael held out his hand to her

"I enjoy wandering the city and I feel so trapped at home. The freedom to go wherever I want is denied me so often." She winced as Zael held her hand and lifted her out of the cart.

"Did I hurt you miss? Please, pardon me if I did."

"No, it's simply an injury my soul mate must have suffered. I sometimes wonder what life he must live to be treated so roughly."

"May I ask what you meant?"

"Oh, nothing. Simply something that has been on my mind" The mystery woman held her hands behind her back "Would you mind escorting me around the city? There's somewhere special I would like to go"

"Sure" Zael nodded.

As they wandered the city Zael could not help but notice when the lady winced as something would brush her arm or shoulder.

Finally he could not take it anymore. "Miss, please, let us sit down and rest. Your arm seems incredibly sore."

"Ah, no need to keep calling me 'Miss' My name is Calista. Once we get to my special place, we can stop."

Zael was not so sure, but he nodded and continued. Finally, after climbing a tower, Calista stepped out and spread her arms smiling and breathing deep. "Isn't it wonderful? My parents used to take me here when I was sad or lonely. I still try to come here when I feel that way."

"I'm sorry Calista. Is there anything I can do?" Zael held out his hand and accidently brushed her back. Calista gasped and closed her eyes, pain written across her face.

"I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" And then it suddenly dawned on Zael. That was the same place he had a bruise from his soul mate. And her shoulder hurt.... his wound from that reptid hadn't completely healed. Maybe, just maybe.

"Calista, forgive me if this seems forward, but what does the wound on your shoulder look like?" Zael held his breath certain of being slapped

Calista looked at him in surprise, but turned and pulled the collar of her dress over her shoulder, exposing her back as far as was modest. Zael slipped his jacket off far enough to expose the sword wound and almost cried in relief and guilt as he realized they were exactly the same.

"Calista, does someone beat you? Or hurt you in any way that is not a result of my awful lifestyle?"

"What do you mean awful? What do you do? "

"I'm a mercenary. I tried hard to avoid injury for the sake of my soul mate, but it is almost impossible in this line of work. Pleas, tell me does anyone beat you?"

"Yes, my uncle when he is dissatisfied with my day's work. But only ever a single blow."

Zael held his breath in anger. "May I meet him? And introduce you to my friends?"

Calista smiled, and then frowned. "Please, be kind to my uncle. He was simply doing his best raising me after my parents died. I was only three when they were taken from me."

As they stood on the tower where Calista's parents had created so many memories for her, Calista noticed the look on Zael's face, one of consternation and worry.

"What's wrong Zael, please tell me it's not my status."

"What status? What do you mean Calista?"

"Oh! I thought you knew when I told you my name, I'm the heir to Lazulis Island. I'm Lady Calista Arganan."

Zael almost decided he'd rather be single right then and there. To think that his soulmate might be the future Countess was an intimidating thought. How could he be the soulmate of such a high-born Lady?

Calista began to laugh. "What's the matter Zael, you look like you've seen a ghost!"

Zael shook his head and simply stepped down right below Calista.

"If I ever do you wrong, or act in such a way that it injures or pains you in any way, please, do not hesitate to punish me to the full extent."

Calista set her hand on his shoulder gently reassuring him. She leaned down and quietly, with the meteor shower as their backdrop, kissed him. "I promise Zael."

Zael held his hand out to Calista and they descended the stargazers' tower together.  

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