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"Jaydis, come here. I got something for you." My moms called. I got up & me & lil mama went downstairs. I gotta admit I got a lil attached to her the past few weeks & truth is I see a whole lot of me in her.

"What up?"

"The results are here." She smiled.

"What they say?" I asked.

"I don't know yet. I wanted to read them with you."

"Then what the hell you smiling for?" I joked.

"Boy shut up & get over here."

She opened the envelope then pulled the paper out. She started reading them then a smile slowly crept up on her face.

She handed me the paper & took lil mama from my arms then sat down. I read the paper nervous as hell.

Ya'll notice I still call her lil mama right? I'm not trying to give her a name unless she's mine.

I scrolled down to the end of the page & all I saw was 99.999%. That's all I needed to see. I knew right then that she was mine & i felt it. I swear I almost shed a tear.

"So are you going to keep calling her lil mama or are you going to finally give her a name?" My mom asked rocking the baby back & forth.

"I don't kn ow what to name her, you do it." I was still in shock that I was really a dad. I shouldn't be since the lifestyle I live was just calling for some drama.

"She's your kid. I'm just grandma remember. Just make sure whatever you name her be cute."

"Heaven." I said.

"Heaven? I like it. Hey Heaven. You finally got a name & a family." My moms coo'd kissing lil mama cheeks.

"Can I see her?" I reached for her. She handed her to me then started making calls telling everybody that she was a grandma.

This was the first time she told anybody about her. Only person that knew other than the 2 of us was Alicia & I'm glad she knew how to keep a secret.

"Now all you need is a middle name. Damn. I should of asked grandma to do that. Heaven Storm Jones." She started smiling. "Ayye you like that huh." I took a picture of her then posted it to IG captioning it saying 'Daddy's gift from Heaven.'

I got off then called up Alicia. She must of saw the picture as soon as I posted it since she live on instagram because as soon as she asnwered the phone she started asking questions out the ass.





I hung up & got dressed. My moms had Heaven & got her dressed for me. By the time I was out of the shower Alicia was at the door.

I ran down & opened it letting her in.

"What up ugly."

"Hey big head." She walked in & gave me a hug then handed me my food. "Where is she?" She asked looking around.

"Upstairs. My mom giving her a bath & getting her dressed."

"Aaw look at you a daddy." She laughed. "I told you 1000x to be careful. You should of listened."

I laughed then sat down & started eating. She did use to tell me all the time to slow it down but I'm hard headed. It's cool though, I love my daughter.

I hopped back on IG after getting hell of notifications to my phone. I scrolled through my comments & everybody wanted to know who her mom was. I was hoping that one of them would have said her name, but it's cool, the post still new so I'll wait.

"Hey Alicia." My mom spoke walking in the livingroom with Heaven.

"How you doing Ms. Cartier."

"I got to pick up your aunt from the airport. I hope you'll be ok without me."

"Yeah I got this. Tell tt I said hi."

"Alicia keep an eye on him for me."

"Will do."

I laid back with my daughter on my chest. As soon as my mom walked out the door Licia grabbed her.

"Oh my goodness J she looks just like you. Aaw. It's still funny you don't know who the mom is. It's usually the other way around." She laughed.

I'm saying. I wouldn't even know where to start, that's the crazy part."

"I told you to stop being a hoe. All them little girls you be running off with ain't shit but gold digging skanks. If her mom ever pop up she gon bring a whole lot of drama with her."

"Long as she don't try to take my kid from me then I'm not even gon pay the bitch no attention. I do wanna know who she is though."

I looked at Licia interract with Heaven. I had a beautiful ass daughter. She kind of looked like she could be hers. If I didn't see Licia everyday I would swear she was her mama.

Damn man I don't know how I'm going to be a dad. How the fuck am I suppose to tell my daughter I don't know who her mama is?

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