we made it to this • epilogue

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Madison grabbed another lemonade from the cooler and told Siena about the time she tried to do a flip off the cliff, then got purple spots on her legs after smacking her whole body. She said it jokingly, but still shivered as the muscle memory was still a little too raw.

Siena told Madison about the time her and Naomi's moms took them on a day trip to the beach, only for them to get scared of the waves and wouldn't even touch the water. She hadn't been to the ocean since then, and was determined to redeem herself.

"Kind of like at that hotel when you wouldn't get into the pool," she added afterwards.

"I got into it, didn't I?" Madison laughed.

Siena shook her head, making a tsk tsk sound. "I'd like to point out that I was also the first one to jump off the cliff here."

"Well, you tricked me!" Madison tackled, collapsing into a fit of giggles as she thought about how Siena could just effortlessly jump backwards off the cliff.

"That I did." Siena took another sip of her lemonade and stared out at the sea. The waves in the distance churned with such force, but here at the mini-beach it was a perfect day.

"I can't believe that we actually  made it to this," Madison said, staring into the ocean with awe.

"Me neither." With a sigh, both girls clinked their lemonades together and looked out into the waves.

They had made it to this.

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