Chapter 2- The Invitations

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Please enjoy my story~ :3

Nerina P.O.V~

My eyes widened in shock. The subjects in the entire throne room, just stared at the orb with the figure of the exact replica of me.

I'm the chosen one? Is this what the man on the moon meant? Is this my answer that I was looking for? I smiled at the satisfaction. I turned to look at my father.

My smile faded as I saw my father stormed out of the room. Why could have this upset him?

"Oh..." I said quietly.

I realize that, I've been picked to be a guardian and a guardian job is to protect the children, the believers......and it must be done outside the walls of this kingdom.

The last thing my father wants is for he's precious water lily to leave him like this and I don't want to leave him.....not like this.

I ran after my father, leaving the people behind. Moments later, I found my father, sitting by the fountain that's in the middle of the garden.

Tagunhus was there, trying his best to comfort my father. I slowly came over to my father and quietly sat beside him.

"Can't you believe it," he said, "My precious water lily is the chosen one." I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Daddy....I.." I remained silent. I don't want to leave him like this. I don't want him to feel sad and alone.

"Daddy,"I call to him. He looked at me with sadden eyes.

"As much as I wish to leave," I explained, "I want you to let me go, not because you have to, but because you have trust in me."

My father sighed and pulled me close to him. I put my head on his shoulder as he place a kiss on my head.

"My child," he said, "of course I trust you with all my heart. And you know how I feel about this, but it's the man on the moon.....when he chooses, it's no mistake."

I understand what he means, but I still feel horrible about it. Father looked down at me and gave me a small smile. I smiled back as I hugged him tightly.

Tagunhus randomly squeezed between us, wanting a hug as well. I giggled and hugged him.

"Aaaaw, your such a good boy, Tagunhus." I complimented. My father chuckled and petted the dragon.

"Hey," he said, "we didn't even make preparations for your party, didn't we?" I gasped. With all this happening, it completely slipped my mind. He smiled at me.

"Well then," he continued, "let's make a party that the kingdom will never forget."

I smiled and twirled into the air excitedly.Tagunhus flew up into the air with me.

"Yay! I can't wait!" I beamed as spined around, dancing with Tagunhus.

"I'll announce your birthday ceremony for the kingdom people immediately." Father stated. I nodded and watched my father walked away.

"This is going to be the best day ever." I said to Tagunhus.

Poseidon/Father P.O.V~

I left my daughter with her dragon friend as I head over to my study room. As much I adore seeing my child happy, I can't afford her to leave this kingdom....not with him still going around.

I made it to my studies, finding my right hand man, Haru, fixing my belongings. I quietly sat in my seat, but I startled him.

"Oh my apologies, my lord," he said, " I didnt knew you came in."

"It's fine, I didn't want to intrude with your duty." I explained.

Haru chuckled and finished putting in the last book in the self before coming over by my side.

"I have heard that the princess is the chosen one." He stated. I looked over at him and then sighed.

"Yes, it is true and on her birthday." I stated. Haru smiled and pat my back.

"Shall I start the preparations?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered. And hopefully he doesn't show up.


Jack P.O.V

I laid on my back, floating in midair, watching all the elves and yetis working in North's workshop. I sighed in boredom and continued to float around.

"Jack!" I heard North call me. I groan in annoyance and flew over the workers and into North's working room.

I found North making his magical ice sculptures again, making them float and fly around the room. He turn to me and smiled widely.

"Ah, Jack," he said, " I got something important to talk to you about."

"What would that be?" I asked curiously. North continued to smile, which creep me out a bit.

He went into his pocket and pulled out an envelope, a fancy looking one in fact. He hand it to me and I looked at it stupidly.

"What's this?" I asked while looking at it. North took it from me and opened the envelope. Inside was a fancy- looking card and he opened it.

When he did, a little swarm of water appear on the card and it appear to look like a man.

"My dearest friend," it spoken, "You and the four other guardians are invited to my ceremonial event of the chosen one in the kingdom of water."

"Kingdom of water?" I said a bit confused. North shushed me.

" You can all come early if you please,"it continued, "I wish for you all to congratulate my daughter. It will be my greatest honor for you to attend."

And with that, the water dissolved, leaving behind a special looking seal on it. I looked at North, confused.

"Who was that guy?," I asked, "And what he meant by the chosen one? There's another one? And what's this water kingdom?"

"Woah woah," said North, "Calm yourself, if you were here to see the man on the moon speak, you could have known."

Oh yeah, I was out hanging around with Jamie and his friends at the time and it must of slipped my mind.

"Yeah, but what is this all about?" I asked. North sighed and pulled out a seat for him to sit.

"The water figure you've seen on the card was, Poseidon, king of the water kingdom," he explained, "He's throwing a ceremony for his daughter, Nerina, princess of the water kingdom, for becoming the chosen one."

"Woah woah woah!," I said, stopping him, "So, your saying is that there's another guardian and she's throwing a party for it?"

"Yep! And after all it is her birthday." North stated.

"Woah, seriously?" I asked. North nodded.

He took the card and stuffed it in his pocket. He reached for his humongous coat and put it on with his fuzzy looking hat.

"We better get going!," North exclaimed," I wanna see the princess who's been chosen!" He ran off to fetch the sleigh.

At laughed. So there's going to be a new guardian in the group. I took one of North's portal globes and followed him to his sleigh. This could be interesting.

End of chapter~

Hope you all enjoyed it :)

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