The Witch

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She traveled alone a broken darkened trail. Screeching from the numbing screams that had taken residence in her mind. She felt as if she had to silence herself.. To silence these voices. But, she had chosen this way of life for herself.

She was the lonely one. The one that grinned at death. But no one grinned when they heard the call of the Winter Creek Witch. Nothing but fear coursed through the blood of her withering victims. She would chant words in foreign languages... Confusing her doomed victims. And as they would slowly sober she would remove the victims limbs as a symbol of loyalty to Satan.

But she was soon discovered. But no one could rid her of this earth... They tried to burn her... They tried to decapitate her... They even tried to drown her... But nothing worked...

She was so angered by these attempts to rid her of this earth that she one night cursed the town from which they had came from. Many people died prior to this curse... But Noone went unharmed... There were plagues, fires, floods.... There was the witch... Of Winter Creek.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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