Bad Areas & Tour Buses

110 13 6

Ryans POV

The bus took us through numerous towns, and I looked up at the full moon, thinking of the beautiful Ashlyn. Where was she? How was she? I guess I'd never know. 

I continued into my bunk, looking out the window at the night sky. There were people all over this town -- it was like the kind of neighborhood you wouldn't want to be walking in alone at night. 

Was this girl out of her mind? I thought to myself. A girl who looked nothing short of a malnourished supermodel with black makeup running down her cheeks, sky high heels and nothing but a black thong and FOB tee ran down the sidewalk of this city, almost as fast as the bus. Not gonna lie, she was hot. Not just the normal hot you see on the commercials -- but the kind of hot that no one even thinks exists. 

I was so caught up in her stellar appearance that I didn't even realize who this was until a strong man, looking to be about 30 and muscular as hell, cupped his hand over her small mouth and dragged her down the sidewalk on her heels. 

It was Ashlyn. Fucking Ashlyn. 

I leaped out of  my bunk. 

"STOP THE BUS" I screamed. The bus came to a screeching halt as Dallon ( our new bassist), Ryan and Spencer dashed off the bus alongside me. 

''LET HER GO" I screamed. The man loosened his grip for a moment. 

"RYAN" Ashlyn called out, tears now streaming down her face. 

I couldn't believe this was my Ashlyn. Where had she been for the past year or so? Why was she dressed like a prostitute? That was not the Ashlyn I know. Somethings up for sure. 

I put my arms around Ashlyn's waist, pulling her close to me and lifting her off my feet. Her ribs jabbed into me, they were more prominent than they should be.

She wrapped her legs around my torso while Spencer, Dallon, and Brendon sent the guy off. 

I moved my hands to her face 

"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY ASHLYN?!" I screamed in her face. Both of us were in hysterics. Before she could answer, I pressed my lips against hers. 

"I'M SO SORRY RYAN, I LOVE YOU" She screamed back. I usually hated screaming at girls but this was totally different. 

I held her close for awhile. She was cold, too skinny and crieing and shaking like all hell. I cried too -- I think this was the first time my bandmates saw me cry, but they were my bestfriends, I guess it was okay for them to see me like this. 

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw not just the guy I thought we got rid of before -- but now 3 more. They were all big and tattooed with piercings. I put Ashlyn down and screamed for everyone to run. I grabbed her hand and we dashed across the street to the bus. Spencer was on, followed by Dallon and Brendon, but by the time Ashlyn and I made it there one of the men grabbed her heel. She quickly kicked it off with the other, stumbling onto the bus and our driver swinging the door shut and speeding off into the distance. 

She was back. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2013 ⏰

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