Levi's Problem

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So I was writing another story but it got deleted so I gave up on it for now and I was bored so here's just a quick one shot. ALSO IF YOU KNOW ME IRL, DO NOT READ THIS, TRUST ME IT WOULD MAKE THINGS AWKWARD.

Plus I know there is a shit ton of grammar mistakes and spelling errors but I can't be bothered to fix those rn.

Levi was sitting behind his desk in his office. He was looking through the documents of the new survey corps recruits. The Raven was trying to find someone to make his little bitch.

"Mmmmm this freckled guys kinda cute......." He flipped some more pages "ewww this guy looks like a shitty horse...." Levi was mumbling to him self not even noticing when the door opened and Hanji walked in.

"Hey shorty." Hanji said in her usual excited voice. "Uhh fucking hell you scared me four eyes." Levi said trying to hide the papers he was looking at.

"Whatcha got there?" Hanji asked taking a peek at the papers. "Uh none of your fucking business shitty glasses now get the fuck out of my office."

Hanji looked at him confused and then noticed one of the files and she snatched it. "Hey give that here!" Levi shouted. But Hanji was already looking in the file. "Hmm a new cadet Marco Bodt..... Interesting..,.. Wait hold on a second Levi you aren't looking for a new 'toy' are you?" Hanji asked.

"Shitty glasses get the fuck out!" Levi shouted. Standing up from his desk and walking over to Hanji. "Wow calm down shorty i was just offering to help you as I have been helping out with new cadets....but I guess you don't want my help." Hanji shrugged she threw the file back onto the desk and started walking away.

"Wait what do you mean by 'help'?" Levi said sounding interested. Hanji started turning around with a huge smile on her face. "Well I think I have a cadet that you would like..." "Ok who is it?" Levi asked with his usual bored expression.

"Well you know Eren jaeger?" "The Titan shifter. Tch. No thanks. Don't wanna die while having my dick in his ass." Levi said shaking his head.

"Ohhhhh come on, please Levi, you would love him, and Eren wouldn't turn into a Titan during sex it's impossible." Hanji said pouting at Levi and hoping he would say yes.

"Ok whatever tell me about him then what so special about him except for him Shifting into a Titan all the fucking time.." Levi said sitting back down behind his desk.

"Well he's really friendly.." "Tch I don't
give a shit about that." Levi said, slowly growing bored of the conversation. "Okay I've heard some rumours that him turning into a Titan isn't the only thing impressive about him." Hanji wiggled her eyebrows at Levi suggestively smirking.

This got Levi interested, "ohh really...... You know what send him over to my office tomorrow and I'll see if I like him." "Yaaay." Hanji said getting excited and jumping around clapping her hands.

"But shitty glasses if your wrong about him and he does some shit, I swear I'm gonna personally fucking kill you." Levi said growing more sexually frustrated by every minute.

"Woah calm down shorty everything's gonna be fine." Hanji said turning to leave. Levi felt like he couldn't hold in his sexual deprivation any longer. "Ok shitty glasses bring the brat here tonight instead I can't wait till tomorrow." Levi said through gritted teeth.

"Woah shorty getting excited are we, but yeah, corporal I will send him here."
"You betta and tell him not to be late, 7 o'clock and not a minute late." Hanji rolled her eyes and walked out the door.

Levi looked down and noticed he had a boner. "Great... Fucking hell." Levi mumbled to himself leaning into his chair and trying  not to think about his problem downstairs.

Levi's problem (Eren X Levi) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now