Do The Right Thing

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They panted. They turned to each other, wide-eyed. They both got out of the car and watched the crazed driver speed away until he was nothing but a speck on the horizon.

Mabel whipped out her phone.

"Calling the cops?" Dipper asked.

"Mm-hm." Mabel answered. "Dammit. I don't have service. Gimme yours." She held out her hand expectantly. Dipper handed over his phone, which, unsurprisingly to Mabel, was on its last leg and rapidly dying. "Why don't you ever charge your phone?"

Dipper didn't answer; he just turned and put his elbows on the roof of the car, cupping his face and groaning. Mabel placed a hand on her forehead and sighed. That was one of the most intense this they'd ever seen and experienced.

Dipper put his hands on the roof and pushed himself off. He walked to the back of the car, examining the damage done. He then placed his hands on his hips. "We gotta go back." he said.

"What?" Mabel asked. "You're fuckin' crazy. I'm not going back there."

"But Mabes," Dipper started. "I... I think we both know what he was dumping."

"Yeah! So let's get the hell out of here and call the cops!" Mabel insisted.

"Ok, we can call the cops, but we have to go back."

"Why? Why do we need to be the heroes? Let's just go! The cops'll take care of it!"

Dipper shook his head. "Yeah, but what if they're still alive down there? What if they need help?"

"We can get help just as fast by finding a place with a phone."

"We haven't seen a place for miles." Dipper mumbled.

"We were just attacked, Dip!" Mabel yelled.

"I don't care!" Dipper screamed back. "We have to do something!" He calmed himself. "We go and look in the pipe. That's all I wanna do. I just wanna make sure nobody needs help. Then, we go find a phone, but please Mabel. We gotta make sure."

"Is this your idea of some kind of adventure? Because knowing you, it probably is."

"No, we..." he sighed. "We go back, look in the pipe, and if there's nobody down there, nothing we can do, then we just go on home and call the cops. You know that's what we should do."

"Bullshit I do." Mabel mumbled.

Dipper lost it. "Fuck if you don't!" he shouted. "Look me in the eye and tell me you can just drive away. Just leave 'em there and then maybe find out later that they'd still be alive if you'd just gone back!"

She stared at him. He'd always been quick to help anyone who needed, or in this case, might need it. She let out the breath she didn't know she was holding. "Ok." she said. "But I'm staying at the car."

They both got in the vehicle, Mabel still driving, and pulled back onto the road. They turned around and headed back to the old chuch.

They slowly pulled into the area. It was ominous, to say the least. Crows cawed at them from atop the building and in the trees. Dipper got out out of the car and, to his surprise, Mabel joined him. They approached the drain pipe and looked down. It was dark and it stunk. There were definitely dead bodies down there; any remote doubt that they had of that died instantly.

Mabel decided she wanted to back out. "Come on, Dip. This is too much."

"Wait," Dipper said, still looking down the pipe. "I think I heard something." Mabel rolled her eyes and turned away. "HELLO!" Dipper hollered down the pipe. "Hello! Is anyone down there?!"

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