Its only the beginning

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It was her first day of freshman year and Amber couldn't have been more nervous! She was scared about all the stuff she'd learned from TV shows she'd watched! Like how high school is all about cliques and about how popular you were and going to parties! Though she also hoped it might be something like High School Musical! Where everyone's so nice and when the school actually serves decent food! Either way, Amber wouldn't be doing this alone for she has her best friend Hunter , her boyfriend Jacob, and her older brother Cameron to look after her!

Approaching the main hallway:

Cameron-"Alright sis, I'm gonna go find my friends! If you need anything text me or come find me at lunch! I'll be in the cafeteria!"
Amber-"Okay! Thanks cam!love u!"
Cameron-"Love u to!" He replied as he hugged his sister and made his way down the hall.
Hunter-"So where's your first class Amber?"
Amber-"Room 301. English!"
Hunter-"Oh that's Ms. Stump right?"
Jacob-"Yeah! How'd u know?"
Hunter-"I had her last year! You two have class together?"
Amber-"Yeah we have first and fourth period together! English and PE!"
Hunter-"That's cool! Lucky for you guys!"
Jacob-"Thank god I have her in some classes cause I don't know if anyone else has classes with me! I forgot to ask people!"
Hunter-"I'm sure you'll be fine! High schools all about meeting new friends too, so don't be afraid to put yourself out there!" He said as nudged Jacob in the shoulder.

The bell rings:

Amber-"I guess that means we should get to class?"
Hunter-"Yep it does unfortunately! So you guys want to meet for lunch?"
Jacob-"Sure! Where?"
Hunter-"How about outside the gym? Does that work?"
Jacob-"Yep that's fine! Babe we should get to class now!" He told Amber.
Amber-"Yeah your right! Thanks Hunter! See you at lunch!"
Amber gave Hunter a hug and then grabbed Jacob's hand and they both walked to class.
It was now lunch when Hunter, Jacob and Amber were all supposed to meet in front of the gym.
Hunter and Jacob made it to the gym but they had to wait 10 minutes until Amber finally arrived.

Jacob-"What took you so long babe?" He asked reaching for her hand.
Amber-"Sorry! I didn't know where the gym was so I had to go find Cameron and ask him!" She answered grabbing Jacobs hand.
Jacob-"It's okay. It's not your fault." He said pulling her into a hug to comfort her.
Hunter-"Your right Jacob it's mine! I totally forgot that you two were freshman, and I just assumed you knew where everything was. I'm sorry!"
Amber-"Hunter it's fine! Your intentions were good and that's all that matters! You didn't know I would get lost and to be honest, neither did I?" She chuckled.
Amber-"This schools a lot bigger than I
thought!" Still relaxing her head on Jacobs shoulder while he held her.
Hunter-"You get used to it after a while. So u guys hungry?"
Amber-"Actually not really! I had a huge breakfast!"
Jacob-"Yeah! I'm not that hungry either but I really got to pee! Where's the nearest bathroom?"
Hunter-"Right around the corner actually, like 2 doors down!"
Jacob-"Ok cool! Be right back!" He said as kissed Amber's head and jogged around the corner.
Hunter-"So how were your first two classes?"
Amber-"Well me and Jacob sat together in first period so that was ok?"
Hunter-"Did you like Ms. Stump?"
Amber-"Yeah. She's nice I guess? Her last name tho is so funny!" She giggled.
Hunter-" I know right! What even is that?!" He laughed.
Amber-" Anyways, Second period was ok to, except I got seated next to this weird kid who kept picking his nose!"
Hunter-"That sucks! But I'm sure by tomorrow your teacher will have assigned seats for you in alphabetical order!" He chuckled.
Hunter-" They always do!"
Amber-"Anything to get away from that kid and I'm fine with it!" She giggled.
Hunter-"I wonder what's taking Jacob so long in the bathroom?"
Amber-" Well his mom made him eat oatmeal this morning for breakfast because she wanted him to eat something more healthy than waffles, but what she doesn't know is that oatmeal upsets his stomach!"
Hunter-"So your saying he might be in there for a while?"
Amber-"Yeah maybe?!" She chuckled.
Hunter-"Well I hope he gets done soon cause there's only a few more minutes in lunch!"
Amber-" Could you do me a favor and go check on him please? I would except I kinda can't!"
Hunter-" Yeah, sure! Be right back."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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