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Hey this is my first naruto fan fiction . I hope you like it . this will be my only disclaimer for the entire story I DON'T OWN NARUTO. there I got it over with. Alliey

Siku's POV .
Hi my name is Siku. I have a really bad past at just to I was exiled from my clan. most people know me as sicko. I am a demon or as I like to call it I am a neko . So I guess I should continue this story . I am running from my master . I have chains on my wrist and ankles And neck.I have been running for a few days . I am 18 but i am short like 5'3 .where should I go ? Wait what's that in the dirt it's shinny . oh well got to keep running . next thing I know I am being dragged down by my neck what happened. I looked to where my neck chain ends and oh ... now I know what the shinny thing is its a bear trap . so now I guess I should try and figure it out yawn why am I so sleepy? next thing I know darkness consumes me .

Kakashi's POV

I was alerted that my trap I set went off . when I get there I am shocked to see a girl there held to it by a chain around her neck . I walk up to see if she is alive but when I do I see she has a tail and cat ears ? I wonder if they are real I go to touch one .but she jolts awake and hisses?

Siku's POV

I know some one is there when I hear them come closer to me I jolt up and hiss . see the thing is I was never taught to talk I was only ever a pet and a wild animal sorta hehehe . oh ya back to hissing at some random guy with weird white hair. he suddenly starts talking easy there easy . he says in a small tone he holds out his hand I flinch my name Is kakashi hatake what's yours? Now I tilt my head he has this aura which makes me believe him so I tell him every thing her is what I said "hi my name is suki I just escaped my previous prison but got caught in this trap can you help ?" here is what he heard "meow meow meowwwwww meorrrrr hiss hiss spit growl meow meowl "
Oh that's right oops . oh I know I can talk through his mind heheh . so here I go " hello kakashi my name is Siku I just got out of my previous prison but got stuck in this thing can you help my neck is starting to hurt."

Kakashis POV
So the neko started talking to me through my head . so I talked out loud and said of course it's
My trap anyways she hissed but I need you to come with me to the hokage . fine she said
Siku's pov
That day I met the hokage
Me . hey dude I kinda need a master/owner
Hokage. what do you mean?
Me. if I don't get a new master /
Owner I will be taken back to my old one I need one who will allow me to be the cat I am preferably one who gives me pettings
Just then I felt someone start petting me I immediately began purring and leaning in to the touch .I heard some chuckling I looked and the hokage and kakashi were both laughing
Me. see I told you I am basically a talking cat with thumbs .!

Caught in a trap by kakashi ( naruto)Where stories live. Discover now